3- Em!

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"Yeah, where is he?" Anna says. "Gosh... What has he gotten himself into now?" I mumble as I grab a flashlight and he's outside.

"Ro! Wait up!" I hear a voice behind me tell, causing me to stop and turn around. "Anna?" I question. "Yep" she nods as she runs up. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Um, finding my boyfriend" she says innocently.

I open my mouth to object but know she's to stubborn to go back. "Alright. Just stay close" I say and continue down the path.

"Jack!" We both yell every once in awhile. "Where the hell is he?!" I say as we walk up on the guest cabin. "Let's look in there" I point to the cabin and run up the porch to it.

I open the door and Anna closes it behind her. "Jack! You in here!" I yell. "Jack!" Anna yells.

He turns the corner and his eyes widen slightly. "Why are you guys here?" He asks. "Oh thank god!" Anna runs up and wraps her arms around his neck. "I love you too, but why are you guys here?" He asks as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"You weren't at the lodge so we got worried" he chuckles. "And they sent you?" I roll my eyes. "She followed along. Insisted she had to 'find her boyfriend'" I laugh. "Hey! I was worried!" She kisses his cheek. "Well, I'm fine. Let's go back before they think we're dead" he laughs and opens the door, him holding onto Anna's hand tightly as we walk down the path.

"What the heck?" Anna moves her flashlight beam into the trees. "What?" Jack asks, looking where her flashlight beam is. "I thought I saw something" she mumbles. "Probably nothing" Jack says.

As if the thing was answering what Jack said, it sounds like something is running up behind us... Fast. "Run now!" We sprint to the lodge and quickly get inside.

"Holy shit" I huff out. "What? What happened?" Phil walks up to me. "What the hell was that!?" Anna whimpers to me. "I... Uh, don't know" I had no idea what is was. "What was what?" Phil asks.

"I-I said I don't know!" I say. "Hey, what happened?" Nathan walks up while everyone else just looks worried. "We were walking back and something started chasing us. I only heard it, I didn't look back to see what it was" I explain. "It could have been-" I cut Phil off. "Don't fucking say it was a deer, I didn't see it, but the footsteps were to loud to be a deer. They were also way too fast" I snap at him.

"Are you guys okay?" Nathan looks over at Jack and Anna. Anna nods. "I'm fine" she says shakily. "Jack?" He nods to. "I'm okay"

He turns back to me. "I'm good" I mumble. "Now, Jack why were you in the guest cabin and not here?" I step towards him. "It was getting cold and I thought I heard something so I ran into the cabin" he explains. "Just glad you're okay! We were worried!" Anna says.

"Go find your rooms and get settled in" they all nod and head up the stairs. "Holy hell" I sigh. "Phil you still have that lighter?" Nathan asks and Phil nods, hand the lighter to him. Nathan walks over and tries to get a fire going.

"You sure you're okay?" Phil says as he walks over to me. "A little shaken but who wouldn't be if they just got chased by some unknown thing" I say. "Yeah, I gue-" Phil is cut off by a blood curdling scream from upstairs.

My eyes widen as I turn and sprint up the steps, almost running into Tom. "Tom, what was that?" I ask him. "That was Em screaming as she was pulled out the window"

"What?" He ran past me as everyone else came out of their rooms. "What the hell was that?" They ask as I shake my head. "You guys stay here. Phil come with me" I grab a flashlight and throw one to him. "Me?!" I says. "Fine, Nate come on" Nathan grabs the flashlight from Phil and follows me out the door.

"Tom!" I yell as I run. I hear a voice in the distance yell "Em!" So I run towards it.

As we run, I see something down the path. As we get closer I realize it's not Tom. "What the hell is that?" I whisper as I stop in my tracks. It looks like some spider thing, it's teeth are long and sharp. It's skin is a sickly gray color.

"Stop" I hold my arm out in front of Nathan. From what I've read, this is probably a wendigo. "Holy shit what the fuck" Nathan says a guy to loudly. "Shh!" I shush him as the creature turns its head towards us. "Don't move a fucking muscle" I whisper as he walks toward us. My eyes widen as it stand in front of us. I read that if you don't move, they can't see you because their vision is based on movement.

I screeched loudly before running off into the trees. We wait until we can't hear the footsteps anymore to move. "We have to find Em and Tom fast" I say. "Yeah. Let's go" we quietly make our way down the path. "Where could they be?!" I mumble irritated. "Em!" I hear Tom's voice in the distance. "This way!" I walk towards Tom's voice with Nathan close behind.

I see someone limping down the path as we turn a corner. "Tom!" The person stops and limps toward us. As they come closer I realize it's not Tom... It's Em. "Em! Oh my god" I run up to her and she falls into me. From what I can see, she has multiple cuts and bruises forming. "What the hell happened!" I ask. "I.. It..." She mumbles out. "Have you seen Tom? Do you know where he is?" She nods and points down the path. "Nathan, help her. I'll go find Tom" I run down the path.

"Tom!" I yell. "Ro?" I hear someone say. I spin around, looking around. "Tom! Where are you?" I hear footsteps behind me so I turn around and see Tom running up. "Tom!"

"Ro? What the hell are you doing out here?" He asks. "Looking for you and Em" I tell him. "I still haven't found her!" He whines out. "We found her. Come on" I gesture for him too follow me.

"Oh my god Em!" Tom runs up and takes Em from Nathan. "What happened?" He looks up at us. "We don't know. We found her limping down the trail. She hasn't really said anything" I explain.

"Let's go back to the lodge" I say.

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