Melrose academy ch6

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"Don't mess with master." I smirked sticking my tong out at a very angry Alex- but this time I wasn't running.

"You think your little egg thing means you've won?" he asked dangerously.

I smiled as I poured two glasses of water and faced the counter with them in my hands.

"Well..." I started but Alex banged both his hands on the counter either side of me.

I turned to face him with a smile.

"Alex." Jason warned.

"Stay out of this! This is far from over Sappy, I'm going to break you down!" he yelled.

"Ok but first you gong to have to get out of this." I smiled wickedly ask I put the glasses of water on both his hands which happened to be pressed onto the work surface. I ducked under his arm and grinned. He looked so confused.

"Shit." He muttered.

He turned to Jason and Dylan with a pleading look.

"What happed to 'stay out of this'?" Jason laughed.

"Oh come on help me!" Alex shouted helplessly.

"Sorry Alex you got yourself into this, get your self out. We have class." Dylan smirked as they both left.

I shook my head in disapproval.

"Should be nicer to your friends Ally, you never know when you'll need them."

He growled viciously at his new nickname but I just shrugged and left.

I skipped down to my first class with a happy grin on my face. As I sat at my desk I waited for the bell to ring for class to start Alex walked in totally red.

He stormed over and toke his seat by my side.

"Nice hair." I noted.

He looked confused and ran a hand through his oily hair.

"Oh gross, ew." He cringed and he wiped his hand on his trouser.

"I'm going to kill you." he whispered.

A delicate little cough caught my attention before I could get out my comeback. I looked up to see a tall blond with blue eyes and the figure of a model. She glared at me.

"Can you move." She ordered rather than asked.

"Of course Veronica!" I smiled pleasantly and gladly moved to the desk behind them.

Alex gave me a suspicious look. Veronica was all over him during class, running her hand up his leg and holding his hand and whispering things in his ear. If only she wasn't so stuck up she might have realized the look of horror on his face but she didn't I laughed as the bell rang and he shot out the door.

"What the fuck did you do?" he screamed in my face as he held me against the wall.

"Nothing, she just likes you." I smiled.

"What letter?" he yelled bruising the tops of my arms.

"Oh she told you..." I trailed off.

He raised his fist in the air but luckily Wil caught it.

"Dude what are you doing!" he said pulling me away from Alex. "And what is up with your hair?" he questioned.

He growled and lunged for me but Dylan and Kev grabbed him and restrained him.

"I hate you!" he shouted.

"What did you do?" Jason asked.

"Nothing I just wanted Veronica, Serena and Kimberly to know his true feelings." I laughed.

Melrose Academy ~On Hold~Where stories live. Discover now