Melrose academy ch11

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*~*~* Hey I know this is a short chapter but you see I have written 15 chapters on word on my laptop and I was worried about posting to many chapters because I didn't write chapter 13- yet i wrote 12, 14 and 15 (I know weird right?) so I didn't want you guys waiting for me to have a brain wave- which are very rare for me so my family tell me, lol- but i have written it!! And I'm very happy right now so I'm uploading the next chapter today too- okay on with the story! *~*~*

The guys toke it in turns playing various gory games whilst pigging out on takeaways. Kara and I talked while I annoyed Alex at any chance I got. Kara was actually nice and surprisingly we got on great, she was at little shy around the others and made goo-goo eyes at Kevin- that he returned.

Just as my eyes started to close and my head rested on Alex's shoulder Kara made me jump.

"Oh I should be getting back." She noted.

"Ok I'll walk you." Kev suggested as he helped her up.

"Yeah night guys." Wil yawned.

"Night." Everyone chimed

Alex and I were the only ones left, only because I couldn't be bothered to get up.

"You sleeping on the couch?" Alex asked.

I nodded as I lay down and closing me eyes.

"Good then I don't have to listen to you snore."

"I don't snore!" But the words didn't even form in my mouth I just nodded- or I think I did.

Alex's POV

She didn't even bother to yell at me even though she doesn't actually snore. Sappy looked so small and fragile when she was sleeping, she just lay on the couch breathing lightly with her eyes closed.

I sighed and picked her up bridal style and carried her back into our room, I pulled the covers over Sappy and looked at her pale face.


"Alex come on, get your ass out of bed, now!" was the first thing I heard in the morning.

"Shut the fuck up Sappy or I'll rip your throat out." I hissed back.

"Up. Now!"

I'm going to kill her! She knows I'm not a morning person and it's to hard to be nice when your half asleep. I sat up and glared at Sappy who was stood at the side of my bed already dressed and wide-awake. I glanced at the alarm clock only to find out it was already 10 o'clock.

"Fine I'm up" I mumbled.

Sappy's POV

"Good." I said triumphantly and walk out the bedroom.

"He up yet?" Jason asked.

"Yeah." I answered wile I opened the door to see who was knocking.

"Hey Sappy can I you do me a favor?" Kev asked sweetly.

"You ca ask but that doesn't mean I'll do it." I answered.

He rolled his eyes and glared at me, I smiled and gestured for him to come in.

"Can you go out shopping with Megan today? She's want to go out and buy Halloween costume and stuff, and she couldn't go any time sooner because... because, damn it! I know she told me?" he trailed off frowning.

"Sure I'll go." I smiled.

"Really?" he said in shock.

"Yeah why is that weird?" I asked.

He looked at Jason who had the same surprised look on his face.

"Well you don't really seem like shopping's your thing." Jason said slowly.

"It's not! Well not unless it's like Hot Topic or Blue Banana. I just feel like going out." I said.

"Oh ok well I'll show you to Megan's room." Kev nodded slowly and left.

I shrugged at there weirdness and followed him down the hall and into the lift.

"Hey!" Megan said and kissed Kevin on the cheek.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Sappy said she'd love to go shopping with you today." Kevin was saying.

When did I say I'd love to?

"Really! Thank you so much!" she grinned and hugged me. "I'll be right back." She said hurrying off.

"Have fun and thanks Sappy I owe you." Kev whisper and gave me hug before he went back down the hall.

Megan came back with a jacket and her bag.

"You want to catch the bus or use one of the school car's?" she asked.

I thought about the horrible cheep school cars they have for the students and then remembered the cutie, fast, sports cars that are reserved for the royals and riches- I'm a royal! My eyes lit up as I though about the really nice car's.

"School car!" I answer.

"Really? Well ok but do you mind driving?"

"Not at all." I grinned.

I walked into the huge garage where the cars were kept and scanned the room until my eyes settled on a silver Mercedes SL 63 AMG- just like my car at home! I snatched the keys off the wall and walked over with Megan trailing behind me.

I unlocked the car and climbed in behind the wheel.

"We can use this!" Megan said admiring the car.

"Of course we can, it's for royals and riches."

"Your rich?" she asked.

"Well yeah all part of being a royal!" I smiled.

"No fucking way!" she yelled.

"Princess Sapphire, now can you get in!"

She looked really pale but jumped in with a huge grin on her face.

"How come Kevin never mentioned it?" shed asked fastening her seatbelt.

I started the car and drove it out the garage on to the road before I answered her.

"Well the guys don't exactly know." I admitted.

"Are you serious?"

I shrugged.

"So you can't say anything, god knows what Alex would do." I muttered. "Besides they'd all treat me different and I don't want that, they're my friends." I reasoned.

She thought about it biting her lip and nodded.

"Ok I wont say anything but your paying for lunch." She grinned.

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