Melrose academy ch12

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"Hey did you have a good time?" Jason asked as I sat down on the couch.

"Yeah it was good." I nodded.

I wasn't lying either, I actually had a nice time.

"So Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Kitchen." He answered not taking his eyes off the TV.

I shook my head and walk into the kitchen to see what they were up to. Alex was leaning against the side in his own little trance while Wil, Dylan and Kev were at the island eating some pizza and talking. I grabbed a can from the fridge and stood next to Alex- I wasn't hungry after the chocolate wrap I had before me and Megan headed back.

"Sappy can I ask you something?" Wil asked looking up at me.


"What are you going to Halloween party as?"

"Guess." I told him as I hopped up onto the side.

"Slutty maid." He said hopefully.

"Slutty nurse!" Dylan chimed in.

"Er no."

"Slutty pirate!"

"Ok this might go on a while, is slutty actually in the title?" Alex asked.

"No, sorry" I shrugged.

Wil and Dylan's faces dropped and they went back to eating pizza. I laughed at them and decided I could try and cheer them up.

"I'm sure they'll be lots of slutty girls for you both."

I saw Wil smile slightly and Dylan lift his head.

"Yeah your probably right." Wil nodded thinking it over.

"Yeah Tiffany and her friends are really slutty, you think we could get them drunk?" Dylan asked Wil.

"Yeah and if not we'll just tell them we're friends with Prince Alexander, that always works." Wil said grinning.

"What? You use that!" Alex yelled.

They shrugged while Kev tried not to laugh.

"Well it works." Wil smiled.

Kev rushed out laughing while Alex glared daggers at them both, I was giggling but it was pretty funny.

"I can't believe you two." Alex said.

"I'm going to bed, night guys." I yawned.


I toke a shower and let the hot water sink into my skin and relax my muscles. I deiced to wash my hair and got changed into a black tight tank top and matching black boy shorts. I sat on the floor of my walk in wardrobe and blow died my hair before going to bed.


The sun actually woke me up because a certain lazy ass vampire couldn't be bothered to close the curtains! I groaned and rolled onto my side so I was facing away from the window. Alex was laid on his front facing me with his lips slightly parted. I sighed and kicked the blankets off me.

"Alex, get up!" I yelled.

I heard him groan and rollover so I walked into my wardrobe to get changed. I pulled on some black skinny jeans and a white fitted t-shirt that hugged my curves with a red bleeding hear on the front. I grabbed my black denim waist jacket and left it open and put on some red arm warmers and red converse baseball boots. I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair, I sprayed on some liquid gel and made it look scruffy before spraying hair spray on. I lined my eyes with black eye liner and put on a little bit of red lip gloss but nothing noticeable really.

"Alex, you better be up!" I yelled coming back into the room.

I see Alex rolling out of bed with a sleepy look on his face. I walk to the kitchen to get breakfast and saw Dylan and Jason had already beaten me.

"What are you two dressing up as tonight?" I asked.

"Ugh, I don't know." Jason grimaced.

I sighed and turned to Dylan who had a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Wil and I are going as gangsters!" he grinned in his usual happy-go-lucky way.

"Cool, why don't you dress as a gangster too?" I asked Jason.

He shrugged and looked at Dylan who was still smiling.

"Yeah I'm going to get Kev to dress as a gangster too! You know what Alex's is going as?" Dylan asked me.

"A clown- I hope." I snickered.


I jumped and shut up as I tuned to Alex with his arms folded leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah?" I asked biting my lip.

"What's so funny?" he smirked.

I thought for an excuse but decided the truth was far funnier.

"You dressing as a clown!" I burst out laughing.

He lunged at me but I ran round the island so he couldn't get me, I was smirking when I stuck my tong out at him. He dived round the table at vampire speed and grabbed me; he got me in a headlock and messed up my hair. I whined at the state of my hair while Alex laughed.


While Megan waited in the den I changed into my costume- the guys went ahead.

I put on my school uniform and headed into the den to meet Megan.

"You can't dress up like a normal person can you?" Megan asked.

"Hey this is scary for me!"

"Come on." she smiled and we walked down to the ballroom- yeah the school actually has a ballroom! I couldn't believe it when Jason told me!

*~*~* Hey again, I just wanted to take a few minutes of your precious reading time to tell you all how much I love you! And it's true, you make me so happy that you like reading my stories so I want to say a huge THNAK YOU to everyone. I would love any ideas, tips, criticism (basically any feed back) don't think 'well I like how you write the story and I don't think my idea is very good' because I would really love to hear anything you have. Even if I don't use your idea it will give me some more inspiration and I can't write without it!

Also if I do use your idea or your idea inspired me to write then I will dedicate the chapter to you!

Ok thanks for your time- peace out :P *~*~*

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