Melrose academy ch7

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"Ok, first things first class, this isn't an aggressive class it's purely a defense class, understood?" Professor Banner said.

The class nodded their disappointed heads as we sat in a circle around a big blue mat. Professor Banner walked around the circle making sure everyone was paying attention. Alex was opposite me glaring; I ignored the annoying leach as best as I could.

"As you should all already know, this school tries to bring the two species together-"

"Yeah not very well." Interrupted a boy with sandy brown hair, he was werewolf.

"Do you have something to say Mr. Johnson?" Professor Banner snapped round to face the young boy.

Professor Banner gestured for the boy to rise and he obediently did so. He looked scared as the professor towered over him with his broad shoulders and dark features he looked really strong and for a vampire he was built like a werewolf.

"N-no Professor." He stuttered.

"Then take your seat." He ordered.

The boy gladly dropped to the floor.

"Ugh, pathetic mongrel." I heard Alex mutter in disgust.

A few vampires laughed while the werewolves glared.

"This coming from the coward who couldn't put me in my place." I smirked.

The vampires all shut up and Professor Banner turned to see what was going on.

"Coming from a dog that doesn't know her place." He said coldly.

"Bit me." I sneered.

"Like I'd lower my self." He spat.

"Then stop eyeing my neck." I spat back.

"I was just planning on snapping it." He hissed.

"Try it and I'll break your legs."

"I'd like to see you try." He said in amusement.

The room had gone quiet and Professor Banner had his arms folded looking at us both with a smirk.

"Have you two finished flirting?" he asked amused.

"What?" we both yelled as the class burst out laughing.

We glared at each other as professor Banner went back to the lesson.

Self-defense class was really slow and crappy after that, and Banner thought it would be amusing to partner Alex and me against each other from now on!

Alex and I walked down the corridor a meter away from each other not looking at each other until Dylan and Wil closed the space between us.

"Wassup' homies?" Wil said.

"Hugh?" Alex and I asked.

"What's up?" Dylan translated.

"Nothing." Alex sulked.

Dylan and Wil looked at me for an answer.

"Professor Banner accused Alex and I of flirting in front of the whole class." I smirked.

They both stopped walking and looked at Alex like he had gone crazy.

"I wasn't!" He shouted, drawing attention to us.

"Of course not, just keep telling your self that." I said battering my long eyelashes.

He shot me a look of disgust and carried on walking.

"Why would he say that?" Wil asked as we all walked down the corridor together.

"Well we were insulting each other and I guess he thought it would put us in our place." I shrugged. "Unless he saw the undying love that Alex has for me." I said sweetly.

Dylan and Wil started snickering, and everyone in the corridor turned to look after that statement.

"I swear if you bring it up again you'll be dying! Now drop it!" he yelled and stormed off.

We started laughing before carrying on down the hall.

"He's gonna kill ya'." Wil said.

"It's worth it." I nodded as Dylan threw his arm around my shoulder and Wil held my hand.

"You better make sure Alex doesn't get jealous." Kev snickered as him and Jason came up behind us.

We all grinned.

"So you heard." I stated.

"I don't think pushing him is gonna do you much good." Kev sighed.

"Oh relax, what's the worst that can happen?" I asked.

Then we all looked at each other as if I had just signed my own death warrant.

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