Tickets and Twitter

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"No I'm telling you, Destiel is the best ship on Supernatural!" I argued with my best friend, Charlotte.

"And I'm telling you it's, Samifer." She protested.

"Well, I do like me some Luci, and I can totally see why he would choose Sam as his true vessel." I said, lost in thought.

"See! I told you! Samifer all the way!"

"BUT! I totally think Dean is the best looking character in the show." I stood by my opinion.

"Only cause you have a crush on Jensen Ackles."


"A big maybe as in YES! I do love Jensen, I want to have his babies."

"I'm not that bad!"

Charlotte raised an eyebrow with a small smirk.

"FINE! But who wouldn't want little mini Jensen's? Don't laugh at me cause I know you feel the same way about Jared!" I pouted as she was wetting herself at me.

"O-ok fine. I'll lay off." She stopped.

"So..." I began awkwardly. "What you wanna do now?"

A shit eating grin spread across her face. "I dunno, maybe start packing our bags..."

"For what?"

"This thing called Supernatural Con." She said, pulling out two tickets, waving them about.

My eyes widened. It look me a minute to process what she said. "We're...going to...SPNCon?"

"No, I just brought these tickets to wipe my arse with...YES WE'RE GOING TO SPN CON!"

I gave her a look.

"Ohh, #bitchface." Charlotte smirked, earning a giggle from me.

I lunged at her, enveloping her in a big hug. She squealed as we fell to the floor, getting tangled in blankets.

"Y/N! Get your big butt off of me!" She whined.

"Can't, love you too much." I let my body go limp, allowing all my weight to be put on her.

"You're so annoying!" She wiggled and squirmed under me.

I finally got off of her and we both sat up, fixing our wild hair. She still looked mad at me so I put on my best adorable face which she could never stay mad at.

"Haha, you love me." I poked her cheek, making it even harder for her to remain mad.

She finally broke out into a smile, causing me to do the same. "I can never stay mad at you."

"Good, now let's take a selfie." I pulled out my phone and opened up the camera.

"Let's look all sexy for Jared and Jensen." She laughed.

We both leaned in closer to one another so the side of our head were touching. She did her best pose and I did mine. I took the picture and pulled up Twitter.

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