The Date

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"That's it, I'm not going!" I exclaim for the third time as I tried on my seventh outfit.

"Bitch, this is a date with motherchucking Jensen Ackles! You're going otherwise I'll make you sleep with Metatron." Charlotte threatened, scowling with her arms folded across her chest.

I cringed, making a face like I was chewing the most sour sweet ever invented. "That's just...I'd rather spend double he amount of years Dean did in Hell."

"Then you're going so stop complaining." Charlotte rolled her eyes.

Running a hand through my hair, I paced around the room. "It's not that..." I huffed. "It's not that I'm complaining, it's just, I'm me and he's Jensen Ackles. Jensen frickin Ackles who's stupidly handsome and gorgeous and sweet and-"

"And wants to go on a date with you." My best friend interrupted. "That 'stupidly handsome man' wants to go on a date with you. That man can have any guy or gal with just one look but he chose you. Why?"

I shrugged, looking down at the floor. "Because he feels sorry for me."

Charlotte scoffed, looking at me like I had said Sam Winchester needs a haircut. "Bitch, what has he got to feel sorry for?! Absolutely nothing! He wants to go on a date with you because you're beautiful, funny, sometimes intelligent, and more! You got him droolin' babe, trust me."

I smiled with a small blush. "Thanks Char, I feel a lot better."

She came over and hugged me. "Of course you do, I'm an angel."

"Angels are dicks."

Charlotte pulled back, pout on her lips. "I take back everything I said."


"Jensen man, calm down." Jared chuckled, watching his best friend pace around the room.

"I am calm Jay!" Jensen protested but he clearly was since he's ran his hand through his hair multiple times and almost made his lip bleed from chewing on it.

Jared just rolled his eyes. "Sure you are. I don't know what you're so anxious about. It's only a date for Christ Sake. You've gone on dates before." He was sat on Jensens hotel room bed, scrolling through Twitter.

"Yeah, but not with Y/N! I don't wanna screw up. When I'm around her, she makes me-"

"Nervous? Excited? Happy?"

"Exactly! How'd you know anyway?" Jensen raised an eyebrow curiously.

Jared smiled warmly. "That's how I felt with Gen."

Jensen smiled also, going over to Jared and patting his back. "Sap." He smirked, making Jared scowl playfully and push him away.

"Just get your diva ass ready."



"You look hot!" Charlotte grinned as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You look hot!" Charlotte grinned as I looked at myself in the mirror

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