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A/N: All the answers in the 20 question game are my personal answers so sorry if you don't agree!

"Bitch the window seat is mine!" Charlotte yanked me away.

The next morning we'd woken up early to get our flight. SPN Con was a few states over so since neither of us felt like driving, we took a plane.

We were now on the plane, fighting like little kids for the window seat. I can confirm that we are grown ups.

"Nu uh, I shot gunned the window seat before we got to the airport so it's mine!" I pushed her back.

"Bitch I paid for the SPN Con tickets so I should get the frickin window seat!"

"And I...have no excuse right now so just take the fuckin window seat." I gave in with a pout.

"Charlotte: 1, Y/N: 0."

"Charlotte: bitch, Y/N: fucked off."

"Aww I'm sorry. But winner winner chicken dinner, I got the window seat." She patted my cheek and slumped into her seat.

"I hope you get possessed by a demon."

She gasped over dramatically. "I can't believe you would say that to me! I though we were friends."

"No, we're hunters. But yeah, that was a bit harsh. I'm sorry." I sat down next to her.

"It's ok, you are forgiven ya idjit."


A silence came over us. It wasn't awkward or anything just quiet.

"Soooo lets play 20 Supernatural questions!" Charlotte clapped, breaking the short silence.

"Ok then, you ask first."

"Sam or Dean?"

"Well Dean duh? How many times have I said Dean's my favourite?"

"Alright don't get sassy with me." Charlotte said sassily.

"Sorry. Favourite character beside Sam or Dean?"

"Umm, Bobby for sure. Loved the old guy."

"Yeah I miss him too."

"Demons or Angels?"

"Demons for sure. Angels are dicks. Apart from Cas and Lucifer, they're adorable." I giggled.

"I agree Assbutt."

"If you could date any Demon, who would it be?"

"Hmm, Crowley for sure. Imma be the Queen of Hell and rule that mothertrucker!" I cheered.

"Saddest moment?"

"Either when Sammy got killed by Jake in Season 2 and Dean was like: 'I'm gonna take care of you, that's my job right? Watching after  my pain in the ass little brother' that shit hurt. Or when Bobby died. I was crying so hard."

"Ya, R.I.P Bobby Singer. Favourite Dean quote?"

"Damn that's a hard one since he's so funny. But if I have to choose, it'd probably be 'I like him. He says okie dokie.'" I giggle.

"Ah man that was hilarious." Charlotte agreed.

"Ok so your favourite Sam quote?

"When he got drunk and said to Dean: 'you're bossy...and short'. That killed me."

"Megstiel or Destiel?"

There was no answer so I looked at her face. Her eyes were as wide as an owls and she had a OMFG look on her face. I assumed she was having one of her moments so I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Twitter.

"S'cues me ladies but is this seat taken?" A husky familiar voice said from beside me. I was too engrossed in my Twitter to respond.

"Sure you can sit because you're FRICKIN JENSEN ACKLES!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"What?" I looked at her and then the man.

No. Fucking. Way.

Thee Jensen Ackles was standing right before me. His emerald green eyes making me melt under its soft gaze. Y/N your creepiness is showing! I quickly snapped out of it.

"Oh, hi. Yeah you can sit." I said softly.

"Awesome, thanks." He smiled and sat down.

"Sorry about my friend. She's really into your show. Not that I am cause I am too but-"

"Y/N, you're rambling again. She's a nervous talker." Charlotte cut me off.

Jensen laughed while I blushed. "It's fine sweetheart. It's nice to meet people who love my work."

"Yeah, you're a real good actor." I complimented, sounding slightly flirty which I didn't mean to so I blushed even more. 

"Thanks, you on your way to SPNCon?"

"Yeah, Charlotte here brought tickets for us to go, I assume that's where you're headed."

"Yup. I missed my flight this morning so I had to take this one, luckily." Jensen grinned.

"Why luckily?" I asked.

"Cause I get to sit next to two beautiful women." He winked.

I think I was dying. Maybe I was already in heaven. Did thee Jensen Ackles just wink and flirt with us?

I giggled. "Thank you but I'm not that good looking."

"Trust me honey, you're even more beautiful in real life than on some photo." He smirked.

"Wait. You remember us from the photo?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah huh. I told you I couldn't wait to meet you and now I am so...hi." He chuckled.

"Hi." I laughed.

Then we just gazed at each other. Not awkwardly but kinda romantically. My heart beat rapidly. He was so handsome.

"Anddddd that my cue to leave." Charlotte spoke up. She didn't want to be the third wheel any longer than she had to. "Imma go to the bar and get drunk or be a responsible adult and sit down with someone. I'm still deciding." She shrugged, left her seat and went somewhere.

"She seems nice." Jensen said.

"That's cause you haven't met her properly."

He laughed. "You're real funny y'know that?"


The plane took off as we began talking. It wasn't awkward or cringy in anyway. The conversation flowed nicely. He made some jokes that I laughed at and I made some jokes that he laughed at.

It felt like we were two old friends catching up. I found out that he was a really nice normal guy beneath all the fame. I got a look at the real Jensen. Ever so slowly as well, I started falling for him more and more.

As he was telling a story about Jared waking in on some woman changing in her trailer (see what I did there 😉), my eyes slowly started to droop. Not because he was boring but because I was tired from getting up early in the morning.

My head then fell into his shoulder as I fell into a peaceful sleep. He held onto my hand, gently rubbing the back with his thumb, making me snuggle up to him more.  The last thing I heard was Jensen's voice saying; "You're so cute."

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