Embarrassing Best Friends.

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"Fine! Just spit it out!" I exclaim to Charlotte who looked like she was gonna explode from holding in her questions.

It was the morning after the date with Jensen. Me and Charlotte were sat in the hotel restaurant eating breakfast and drinking a much needed coffee.

Charlotte, somehow, had managed to keep on her questions all morning. Although her mouth didn't move, her eyes were practically buzzing in curiosity. So after coffee and waffles, I was in more of a mood to answer my antisy best friend.

"What was it like? Was he a gentleman? Did he make you laugh? Did you get drunk? Did you-"

"Whoa! One at a time!" I interrupted, blinking in surprise at how many questions she had. Well, not really in surprise. She usually was like this when I went on dates. If she didn't know the guys life story then she wasn't satisfied.

"Was he a gentleman?" Charlotte asked, slower this time.

Even though I had told Charlotte to slow down, something inside me broke and I just gushed everything about the date.

"Oh, Jensen was perfect! He was really sweet, made me laugh and gave me compliments! And when he walked me back to our room, he didn't kiss me- well, he did but only on the cheek which was so romantic. Most guys would want to kiss on the lips but not Jensen! He didn't wanna rush things for us." I sighed dreamily, biting my lip to stop myself from grinning like an idiot.

Charlie squealed in delight, clapping happily. "My bestie is in love! I'm so being bridesmaid!"

My cheeks turned red at that. "Charlie!! I'm not getting married. It was one date!"

"Which will lead onto another date that turns into another and then you guy will become a couple. Few years down the line he'll propose because why shouldn't he? You're total wifey material, Babe!" My best friend winked which made me flush even more.

"You've got my whole love life planned out haven't you?"


"You're unbelievable."

From there, we just continued to talk about the date. I was so happy, clear to see from the smile on my face. A few minutes later, I got up and went to the coffee machine.

As I waited for my latte to pour, a pair of strong arms slid around my waist. "Mornin' Sweetheart." A husky voice whispered on my ear, making my heart speed up and goosebumps raise on my arms.

"Good morning Jensen." I turned in the arms to face him. "Sleep well?"

Jensen smirked slightly. "I would've but there was this girl I couldn't stop thinkin' about so I only got a few hours." He sighed in fake sadness.

I giggled. "Oh how awful must that of been? Who was the girl may I ask?"

"Nina Dobrev. Heard of her?"

I gasped in feign offence, slapping his shoulder. "You are horrible."

Jensen laughed, tilting his head back. The crinked around his eyes making my legs feel like jelly. "Sorry, couldn't resist. Forgive me?"

"You're lucky you're cute Ackles." I grumbled and got my coffee, taking a sip.

Jensen flashed a killer smile. "That I am, Darlin'."

Rolling my eyes, I said; "You here for breakfast?"

He nodded, letting go of me to grab a plate and move around the breakfast buffet as we talked. "I needed food before Jared started bombarding me with questions." He chuckled.

"God, me too. Charlotte gave me the most intense pop quiz as I was eating my waffles." I laughed and shook my head.

"Well it looks like I got out of one." Jensen nodding over to my table where Charlotte and Jared were gossiping like teenage girls.

Groaning, I ran a hand down my face. "I swear to God if she says anything embarrassing."

Jensen smirked. "Well if she is I better be a part of the converstaion." He teased, making me shoot a playful glare.

"I hate you."

"Ouch, my feelings Darlin'. I thought we had a pretty good time last night." He smiled, taking a large bite of a piece of toast he had on his plate.

My lips spread into a smile. "We had the most amazing time last night." I leant up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. A huge grin formed on his face as well as a small blush.

"I was hoping you'd say that cause um..." He trailed off sheepishly which was super cute.

"Which was what?" I ushered gently, hoping he was gonna say what I thought he was going to.

"I um..." Jensen cleared his throat. "I don't know why I'm so nervous. Feel like I'm a teenager about to ask the prettiest girl in school to Prom."

The blush that spread across my cheeks was hard not to notice at this point. That was the cutest thing a guy had ever said to me. "Jensen..."

"What I'm trying to say is, would you wanna go on another date?" He raised an eyebrow, biting his lip hesitantly. Okay, being this adorable should be illegal.

Nodding slowly, I giggled. "I would love to Jen. Now, let's go sit so you can eat." I took his hand which wasn't carrying his plate, leading him over to the table where Jared and Charlotte were still chattering away.

"Hey guys." I smiled, taking a seat. Jensen sat next to me and began eating happily.

"Y/N! Good to see you again. Jensen's been chewing my ear off about your date last night." Jared winked playfully, causing a laugh to escape.

Jensen almost choked. "Dude! Not cool!" He whined, famous Winchester bitchface clear as day.

"S'okay Jensen, Y/N's been gushing about you too. 'Oh he was such a gentleman! He made me laugh and-"

I shut Charlie up by putting my hand over her mouth. "Okay! That's enough." I squeaked in embarrassment.

Jensen smirked at me but didn't say anything. Jared chuckled. "Well ain't you two just the cutest thing ever?"

For the next hour, our best friends teamed up to embarrass us. The amount of times Jensen and I blushed was probably in the near hundreds. Still, even though it was embarrassing, it was nice.

The small timid smiles we exchanged were almost enough to make my heart stop. I seriously couldn't wait for out next date. Hopefully it would end with something a little more than a kiss on the cheek...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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