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Warning: Slight girl x girl action. If you don't like it then leave. I got no time for homophobic bitches. I'm bisexual myself so I don't want any anti-gay stuff on my stuff. MAKE LOVE NOT WAR 😂

On a lighter note, I'm gonna start writing this again. I've been working on ma other stuff so ya. Love you all ma pie loving hunters! Y'all are awesome! ❤️

"We're here Y/N or Dean!" Charlotte squealed, when we got out of the taxi. She grip my arm, shaking it violently.

"Sam, please chill." I giggled. We were cosplaying as the Winchester bros for the convention. I was Dean and she was Sam. (Read the last chapter for more info. Also, I've never been to a SPN convention so I don't know what they'll be like so sorry if I get anything wrong)

As I looked around, I saw many different people dressed as all the SPN characters. Some as the Winchesters, some as Bobby, Cas, Charlie, Gabriel, Lucifer, Kevin, heck! Even Mary and John! This was so cool!

"I can't! ITS ALL SPN AND I LOVE IT!" She shook me violently as she fangirled with excitement.

"Let's go inside then Moose." I chuckled, dragging her inside.

When we got inside, it was even better. There were shops selling food, cosplay stuff, fake tattoos of anti possession etc, and more! Basically it was a Supernaturals fans Heaven.

"! We should go eat a salad and a bacon cheeseburger and get anti-possession tattoos and more cosplay stuff and then get mini figures of Sam and Dean and Cas and Crowley and-"

"Breathe Charlotte!"

"Sorry." She said in a strained voice.

"I'm excited too but we need remain calm. Now, what do you wanna do first?" I questioned, looking around.

"Anti-possession tattoos?" She begged like a child pleading it's mother.

"Lead the way oh moosy one!" I giggled.

"Shut up Squirrel." She fake pouted and began waking to the tattoo stall.


After getting the fake tattoos, we took a few pictures with them in and posted them to Twitter. We'd only been here an half and hour and it was already so much fun.

Now we just walking around, looking at stuff. There was a meet and greet in an hour that me and Charlotte had planned to go to. While we waited we just wondered around, looking at stalls and buying little souvenirs.

As I finished buying a little Charlie figure, there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned round to see a pair of girls, about my age. One cosplaying as Castiel really well while the other was Gabriel.

"Oh, hey." I smiled politely.

"Hi." The female Cas replied cheerily. She was really pretty. "I noticed how awesome yours and your friends cosplay was and I was wondering if you would maybe like to do a mini Destiel photo shoot."

"Sure, we'd love to!" Me and Charlotte nodded.

"Great! Follow me. My name's Leah and this is my best friend, Amanda."

I followed her to an open clear space which was a hallway. Charlotte and Amanda said they'd take the pictures. Me and Leah talked about what we wanted to do and how to pose.

"Alright, let the Destiel begin!" Charlotte said dramatically.

Me and Leah started out with a simple hug representing the one Dean and Cas shared at the beginning of season 12.

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