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At night
Ever since those dreadful words, the day WB kicked out Yin-Yang just afraid they left the hospital, nothing was the same.

BGB: *cryies* White Ball, please, our sons just is get better

WB: Yang knows very well not to snap at me!!💢

WB: So no, they not will come home!! >:(

BGB stops crying but as red and weak eyes from crying so long (and no, she wasn't crying this HOLE time)

BGB: Well maybe he not like of ways you always speak with him

WB: >:(

BGB: White Ball, *sniff* please, *sniff* you have not yelling and negative words


BGB: White Ball! I know you protect us from the wars *sniff* I know you have nice White Ball

WB: I not, stop lying!


WB: What?!

BGB: I miss my little and you too

WB: No! I not! I not miss anyone!

BGB: But you act not same when we not with them, how could you not miss our sons?

WB: ....

BGB: Yang is stress, you need to show you love them

BGB: I know you not like yelling to people, but you do that with Yang all his life

BGB: *sniff* he not mean yell to you, but you do a lot with Yang, so he gets from you *sniff*

BGB: Your father did same thing, and you do it to Yin-Yang

WB: *long sigh* ............Your right...

BGB: So our sons can are coming home?~

WB: I never said that!
BGB: ಠ_ಠ

(I finely figured out how to put that face on😂)

(After dinner)
Yin: So, where are we sleep cousin?

Ying: You just can rest our room

Yin: huh? Really?

Yang2: Sure, whateve, just not must touch our stuff!

Ying: Yang!

Yang1: What?

Ying: No, I not talk with you

Yang2: With who?

Ying: You!

Yang2: Me?

Yin: He not say you, Yang

Yang2: I know

Ying: Yes, I was, and I am

Both Yangs: Your both are idiots? We know! >:3

Yin&Ying: 😐

Yin: So, what you saying Ying?

Ying: I don't remember😧

Yin: you show us your room?

Ying: Oh, yes

Yang2: Don't touch my stuff!

Yin: Please not again start Yang!

Yang1: What I do?

Yin&Ying: No! Not again!😣

Both Yangs: ......

Ying: *sigh* Good :)

Both Yangs: ...........Which of us you speak with?

Yin&Ying: *cricket sounds* .....

(Not to confuse you, Yin and Ying aren't making cricket sounds, that's just a dramatic way to show awkward silence😂)

(After Microphone came near Soap's house)

Soap and Mic started walking to the hospital

Microphone's POV

I still find it weird that Soap wants to go to the hospital just to some computer that's not even her's, she's been acting weird ever since something happened to Yin-Yang. She's always like that, but this is.....different. Maybe just needed me to distract her from the thought of germs

Microphone: So, what's this about actually?

Soap: I'm just really worried about Yang

Microphone: why?

*sneaks in the hospital*

Soap: *uncomfortable*

Microphone: Soap? Are you okay?

Soap: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine...

Microphon: well, which room is it in?

Microphon: I know your uncomfortable here

Soap: it's in that room *points* under the bed

Microphone: *grabs the computer*

Soap: great, let's get out of here and never come back

Janitor: hey, what are you two still doing here?!

Nurse: *sees Mic & Soap* What is going on here?!

Microphone: RUN!!

All: *covers their ears*

Mic&Soap: *runs out the hospital*

Janitor: Jeez that girls loud

Nurse: *groans*

Mic&Soap: *out of the hospital*

Mic&Soap: *paint* *paint* *paint*

Soap: Thanks😖

Microphone: it's fine, your welcom😧

Microphone: So why do you want that computer anyway?

Soap: I want to give Yin-Yang his computer

Soap: they can't keep secretly grieving over his problems like's not healthy😔

Microphone: Oh.....I didn't know you cared so much about him

Soap: *nods* mhm, thank you Microphone, no one would usually help me like you have....your a true friend

Microphone: eh, I'm not THAT great😏

Soap: Well, thanks anyway😊

Microphone: Anytime!!

Microphone: *push her button* oops😅

(Back with WB & BGB)

BGB: White Ball, PLEASE, you CAN'T keep out of them

WB: I not speak with them!😡

BGB: *sighs* White Ball, we need talk, we need thing better

BGB: *tears up* I'm sorry White Ball, but if see reason....I must leave you and find Yin-Yang

(Back with Yin-Yang)

A few hours later, Yin-Yang layed in Taoism's bed staring at the ceiling and thinking

Yang: Yin?

Yin: What is it?

Yang: Why you must hide things if me?

Yin: What you mean?

Yang: is that STUPID looser jock, I remember something he say

Yin: Well, he not bother us now

Yang: *sigh* that's not problem though

Yin: Oh, what your mind on?

Yang: well...mmh..*blush*

Yin: *can feel his blush* Yangie~ why you blushing?😏

Yang: No, I don't blush, is hot in here!

Yin: So what is it?

Yang: *sighs*'s Soap...

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