Midnight dreams

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Soap's POV

I sat in the waiting room for a while, I guess I dozed off because I felt someone shake my shoulder, when I looked up to see it was my mom. She's a nurse here, it was the first time I came here in years, it's kind of why I became a germufobe in the first place, but I'll get to that later. Soap's mom " Soap, sweetie, come on let's go." It didn't take me that long to wake up all the way, " What about Yin-Yang, where is he?" Soap asks. " Hm? Oh that black and white haired boy?" " Yes!" " Sorry honey, their parents wanted to see them in private for tonight." I was sad to hear that, but I understood, than I got confused when she said their. "How did you know-" my mom finished my sentence. "This is not the first time they came to this hospital." My mom explained to me with a sarcastic smirk on her face, " ...although this time was pretty serious.

Oh no why did she have to say that? "What!" Soap's mom. "Just kidding, he only has a few bruises and scratches, I just wanted to see if you liked this boy." "MOOOOoooOOOM!😣" "Well, come on we can't stay long." My mom said as we went outside and into the car, the hole driveway I was only thinking about Yin-Yang and his health, I couldn't help but to worry. Hospitals make me uncomfortable but I still wanted to go and see him. Is he even conscious now? My thoughts were interrupted by my mom saying we're home...my dad made us dinner, and I was really hoping he wouldn't ask me "How was school?" Daingit.😡 I just told him everything except for the incident, but my mom told him what I didn't, it's so hard to keep things from her.😧 " Wait why did you go into the ambulance with that boy, why would you leave school early?" My dad asked, isn't it ovyess I very well he knew why, he just wanted me to say it. "Can't a person be conserned for someone's who's hurt?" Both my mom and dad smirked at me knowing I was bending the truth, I do that whenever I get embarrassed.

After my mom and dad stopped torturing me with embarrassing questions when we ate dinner, it was spaghetti or something, my mind was still focused on Yin-Yang until I went to sleep that night.

It was now Friday and Soap was feel-ing a little depressed knowing Yin-Yang was still in the hospital, it took her awhile to get out of bed but she managed to get to the bus on time, although Soap still couldn't concentrate in her classes after that dreadful incident just yesterday. "Soap Suds and Trophy Gold can you both go in the office please." Oh no, what now? I was going to the office with Trophy wandering what they were gonna tell me, I braced myself for the worst. When suddenly Trophy starts comforing me. Putting his hand around my arm. "Shhh Shhh it'll be okay" I was really surprised by the comfort and affection he never gave me until now. Wants when we went to the office Trophy then took his hand off of me, it may not have looked liked I sad that he stopped but I was glad. (didn't mean for it to rime) I still a little nervous but I got over it pretty quick-ly. We just sat down for about a minute, I still find it odd that the office would call someone in this early in the morning, it's still kind of dark. "Okay Trophy, we'll be needing you in the other room." As the princi-pal says escorting Trophy to another door. As soon as he was gone this other teacher came up to me. "You have a phone call from the hospital." I kinda jumped in surprised as I walked to go pick up the phone and and answer. "Hello?" Soap answered nervously not knowing who was on the other line. A doctor talking "Yes, sorry to bother you Soap but if you'd like to know if you friend's okay, we could call you anytime he wakes up." "Okay thanks" Soap says then hang up. I just stood there thinking, WHY THE HELL WOULD THE HOSPITAL CALL ME AT SCHOOL, THEY HAVE SAID THAT WILE I WAS THERE. I really was thankful for them calling to tell me, I just been feeling stressed out lately. The rest of the day just seemed like a blur until I lade in bed again that night.

Sorry I don't know how to put a picture related to my story onto the thing and sorry the picture is sideways, I don't know how to fix that, but I'd be happy to put those types of images that are related if you message me down below telling me how to do so, thanks.😉😙😊😀😁😘😅😏🙄😆🙂☺😋😶😃😄😂😎😚😈😇🤗😌🤑

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