P r o l o g u e

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"Albus, what are we going to do? We can't leave her in an orphanage!" A woman argued.

"She will be sent to live with her uncle, Minerva." The man replied, his blue eyes serious beneath his half moon spectacles.

"I can't believe her father would betray them like that. His best friends, godson, wife and his own daughter!" The witch exclaimed, her eyes narrowed in anger beneath her glasses.

"I will make arrangements for her to live with Regulus. Merlin knows how happy he'd be to have his niece."

Minerva's lips were set in a thin line, "Are you sure Albus? Her uncle was a death eater."

"Yes I am sure, he deeply regrets it and you do know he made a risky move trying to destroy one of Voldemort's horcruxes. He wouldn't harm young Danielle, he even has a son of his own, Mason Black." Albus informed her.

"At least she'll be with family." The woman sighed.

"I hope she turns out like her mother, she was a wonderful witch." Minerva sighed.

"Indeed, if only her father hadn't betrayed them. She wouldn't have this scar on her leg." Albus spoke, referring to the small scar on the baby's thigh.

The baby, a young girl, was barely one year old. She cried out and snuggled into the man's chest before falling asleep again.

"That scar, Albus. It's not like the boy's. What could have caused her scar to be like that?" Minerva questioned, here eyes narrowing.

"Maybe because she was hit with the full power of the curse, she did crawl in front of him after all." He mused.

All this time they had been walking to a manor not too far from London, where they had apparated to.

Albus paused, his mind flashing back to when he was simply a professor at Hogwarts.

"Or perhaps, that was not the only curse he sent at the girl."

Minerva looked shocked, her cat like eyes widened, "What do you mean 'not the only curse'?" She asked bewildered.

"Young Danielle, she descends from a very... special, Black. One from Voldemort's school days." He explained vaguely.

Minerva flinched at the name, "I see."

"Here we are. Minerva, would you mind sending a patronus?" His demeanour changed.

She conjured a patronus charm, and gave it orders to go over to the house and tell Regulus that Dumbledore was outside.

A few minutes after, Regulus Black appeared.

"What's going on?" He asked, ushering the two into his home.

"We have a lot to talk about." Dumbledore spoke first.


Yes, this is a new fanfic. No, I won't stop uploading my other one. Yes, I'm a potterhead. No, I'm not normal.

Now that that's done.

Hey my Padawan Pandas! It is I, Jedi Panda 🐼! I've started this recently and it was in my profile under my book plans (so many... I cri every tim...).

I've been wanting to write an HP fanfic for ages now and I've got loads planned, but I decided to go with this one first. Danielle Black will be a series with one book for each year (maybe two) and two prequels which I'll reveal after. So in total there'll be 5 or 6 books, maybe 7.

Hope you enjoy and remember, vote and comment so I'm motivated to update!

Panda out 🐼🐼

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