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    Jade p.o.v

Holding a bouquet of red roses , I looked at my father who was holding my hand walk-in with me side by side . There is no happiness in his face while taking me to the aisle . I think when a daughter gets married the happiest and saddest person is a father but in my case he is just sad and so am I .

Everyone in the hall stood up as I entered as a bride with white veil covering my face.  I can see with blurry vision,  a man on the stage waiting for me . 

He is my husband whom I never met before …..who made a deal with this marriage .

Though I don't know what's going on …. Why does he want to marry me in exchange for my mother's treatment?

You guys must be thinking what's going on ….

Let me introduce myself again ….

I am Jade Petrikas and this is the second part of my life. ……

A part I was never aware of taking place ….

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath as the man didn't even hand courtesy to extend his hand for me .

I stood in front of him , my eyes staring at the floor so I didn't see his face either I wanted to anyway .

The ceremony began and I travelled back to the few days before this thing happened .

I tried …..but somehow my fate brought me here .


   I am in front of Tristan's apartment ,which is locked. I tried to call him but no response. What I will do now.....

flash back

  I went to Gulmohar Grand. Maybe I can get information from there . As I parked my car I ran into some guy . I didn't have time to see that guy's face or say sorry . I just ran to the hotel. I met my co-workers. When they see me they smile at me but soon their smile fades when they see my face.


  ''Jade are you okay''??? Lily asked me. She is my age.


  ''Where is Tristan'' ??? My first question is this to them. 


  They looked at each other then Lily took my hand and took me to the corner. 


  '' what happened'' ?? I asked as soon as we went to the corner.


  She raised her eyebrow '' you don't know'' she asked.


  '' I don't know what, " I said, a bit irritated. 


  "Tristan sir, back out from this project your father is handling this project alone even though he is not financing" .


  ''What'' I asked, a bit shocked. How can he do this? This is why we don't have money to save my mother's treatment.


  I felt anger toward him, my hand balled in fist.


  I came to the hospital feeling helpless , what I was going to say to him. I saw my dad. He was pacing here and there . Looking very angry.


  I went to him. '' Dad, what happened???.


  ''How dare He?? My dad said


  "Who is He???"I asked feeling confused.


  "Mr. Rider's son , He came with an offer , He told me that he will give money for the treatment but....."


  He looked at me ....


  '' But what Dad?'' I asked, running out of patience.


  ''He wants to marry you'' ... He said looking down. He sat at the chair shoulder slumping .


  Shock would be an understatement for me .


  What the hell is happening in my life?


  I sat besides my Dad , tears rolling down my cheeks. Why , why me ...


  ''I am sorry Jade'' I looked at my father and he was crying. My heart is tightening. He looks like , He is broken. '' I am sorry , I failed as a husband , I-I failed as a father. He facepalm himself. 


  I can't see him like this


  I hugged him tightly , '' No Dad you never failed us. You are always my super hero. And you know , it's my turned to save my family , I will marry him"


  His eyes widened at my words. ''What No Jade''


  ''Dad please , if something happens to mom , I can never forgive myself please " I beg him.



  flash back end

  So here I am standing in front of my soon to be so called husband. We are at the church. Standing in front of each other, you were thinking who is He even though I don't know , I didn't bother to know information about him. Is it going to change that I am marrying him? I didn't even see his face. I just can't get the courage to look up at him. I didn't even listen to what the priest was saying. 


  Priest asked me first... "Do you accept him as your husband"


  I took a deep breath ," yes I do" I said still not looking at him. 


  Then he asked him , ''Do you accept her as your bride "yes I do" . My eyes snap immediately at him . When I heard his voice.


  My breath caught in my throat. He was smirking in front of me.




  "You may kiss the bride," the priest announced.


  He leaned toward my ear .


  ''Welcome to hell Jade'' He whispered near my ear .


  I closed my eyes , as he claimed his lips on mine.


  And my world collapse




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