game on

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The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. - …


I wake up in the sunlight , I yawn and push the blanket away . I looked at the room Alex was not in, he didn't come the whole night  I thought.  I went to the washroom to do my daily routine . I came out ready for my first day after getting married . I put on light makeup. I put my hair in a ponytail . After looking at the mirror last time I went downstairs.  I saw Mary working in the kitchen. 

When her eyes landed on me , she smiled brightly.  '' ohh dear you're awake , I make pancakes''  she serves me some delicious pancakes . 

''  It's amazing'' I compliment her. 

'' well thank you'' she smiled .

" You know Alex is not a bad person " she spoke out of nowhere .

I thought for second nodding my head " you are right " 

She smiled a little .

" He is horrible, " I added and her smile dropped .

" You both are so the same " she rolled her eyes .

" Stubborn and idiot " 

I frown at her words " same ?" 

" Yeah…. He said the exact same line when I told him that you are not a bad person "

" He said I am horrible !" I got up and ignited .

She blinked before saying " No…." She lied taking the plates back to the kitchen .

I cannot believe he called me a horrible person…..

" Yeah right I forced him to marry me , then blackmailed him not to see his mother " I muttered grabbing my bag  storming out of the house .

 I went to Gulmohar Grand. It's almost done in 4 , 5 days. There will be a grand opening.  As I was walking in the cabin. I frown because I saw the monster sitting in my cabin. 

'' what are you doing in my cabin'' . I asked him to cross my arms.

He straightened up his coat and came toward me. '' For your kind information I own this place. So I can come whenever I want to understand".  

my lip tightened though I wanted to throw some punches on his face and beat him black and blue but instead I didn't say anything to him .

I don't want to ruin my day by arguing to the wall ….

Yes ! He is a wall ….

 I walked toward my desk and started working but as usual that monster had to disturb me. 

'' What are you doing?'' He asked with a frown in his face .

I look at him ,  widen my eyes , I gasp covering  my mouth with my hand.  He looked confused at my expression. 

'' what'' He narrowed his eyes. 

'' I never know you are blind'' 

" It must be hard for you " I said with a sympathetic face .

It took him a second to realise …

 I bite my lips to prevent myself from smiling.  

He opened his mouth to say something but closed when he realised what I said. 

'' worst joke ever'' He said, pressing each word and I burst into laughter.  

'' That was not that funny okay'' He was clearly irritated. 

When I stopped laughing , I saw him staring at me intensely, I shifted uncomfortably . 

'' what "?? I finally asked.

He came out of his reverie , He averted his gaze from me. 

" I want you to come with me, " He finally said .

" I am working " I tried to show some attitude .

" And I am the boss " with that he walks out crushing my ego .

Letting out an irritated sigh

I followed him, I wish I didn't

After we left the cabin, He led me to the meeting room where everyone was already situated. 

Everyone greeted me and Alex , 

He didn't sit in his seat so I just stood beside him. "Hello everyone, as you know that the person who leading this project  Mr. Tristan Adam"  I flinched at his name , I balled my fist not wanting to cry in front of everyone. He continued , " left in the middle unprofessionally and Jade also didn't pay attention to this project clearly so as the owner of this hotel I am deciding that Edward and Walter are the new leader of this project" . with that He left making everyone gap at him including me , I was shocked as hell  I don't know what to do I almost complete the project and now He was kicking me out of the project really!!! 

It's like I bake the cake , frost and decorate it and they will get the credit by putting just cherry on the top???

I clench my fist in anger . 

I marched toward his cabin , "what the hell is wrong with you " I yelled at him. 

When He didn't answer I grabbed his collar and said " why ....huh...why are you doing this to me.??? What the hell I did to you.." I was trying not to cry but I failed, tears flowing down my cheeks " I worked so hard on this project and now you are kicking me out when it's almost completed. It's my dad's dream project ,my dad lost everything in this project". I am crying hard now . 

He took both of my wrists, which were holding his collar tightly . He shook my hands . He smiled , He sit in the chair royally , " did you feel the pain."  He asked 

. " ohh I am enjoying this so much . I mean come on you have to make a habit "  He came near me and whispered in my ear " of crying " our eyes locked with each other but we are not looking at each other lovingly our eyes holding hatred for each other.   I step back still looking at him and making distance between us . 

"So,you want to play this game right"! I wipe my tears "then GAME ON ." 


Hey guys this book is published on Goodnovel . You can check my profile over there Nusrat Jahan.

You will find Mr. Billionaire Revenge

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