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After she slept , I went toward her to make sure that she is sleeping. She was looking so innocent only when she slept... I thought and smiled.

I bend my knee to be in her level , she frowned a little because of the hair on her face . For a second all my hatred toward her was gone .

I gently brushed her hair from her face . She is so beautiful like an angel .

what is wrong with you Alex ??

don't forget why you marry her to take revenge for making you away from your daughter Angel....

Only if she didn't told the media the truth Angel would have been with me.

I hate the day when I brought her here .... the day I revealed my secret for the first time .

I immediately went away from her my heart again filled with hatred I trusted her so much I told a secret which I never said to anyone not even my close friends , may be she is beautiful but the witch was behind that beautiful mask..... A betrayer.

I walked toward the moon as the moonlight fell on my face .
It reminded me of that day when Jade came to my room .

Flash back

Jade p.o.v

"Alex.... " I broke the peace full silence. He is still looking at the beautiful moon.

" Alex," I called him again.

"Hmmm... " He finally looked at me like he came out from his deep thoughts.

"Is Angela your own daughter?" I ask.

I know that it's a personal question and I have no right to ask him this but curiosity was killing me.

His body tense up again, I put my hand on his broad shoulder

To calm him down, and I guess it's working because his body slowly relaxes a bit, so I continue "look Alex if you don't want to tell me it's "-but He cut me off .

"No I want to...." I looked at him, his gaze was intense at me for a moment I wanted to lose in it. What's lost in it is you out of your mind Jade... I scold myself internally.

I tried to divert my mind so I looked at the moon feeling calm.

"Her name was Ellie, Sh- she was my best friend, I have loved her since childhood.. Jade I loved her all my life. And after we graduate college our parents decided that I will get engaged with Ellie. I can't tell you how happy I was that my childhood dream was coming true, but you know life is not as easy as it looks. " He chuckled at his own words. But it was not happy , it was sad. He continue" when we got engaged she looked happy ,she told me she loves me and I stupidly believed her words. How can I suspect her unhappiness? After two months I saw her, " He took a deep breath like he didn't want to breakdown In front of me," I -I saw a person in her bedroom making out ." A tear escape from my cheek", I was broken after that day I broke off my engagement and tried my best to build my name I didn't wanted to be that man who ruined himself or other people just because his heart is broken I knew that I might not fall in love again so I just focus on my professional life thinking that everything is over between me and Ellie But she return in my life again but not alone with a baby, she begged me to took care of her child because she has cancer and Angel father abandoned her and Ellie parents didn't wanted to accept the child because they said it's illegitimate and it will ruined their reputation so I was her only choice left . It was her last wish so I accepted it. From that day Angel not only became my daughter but also my life, Angel is not my blood but she is my life I love her dearly after Ellie death I completely adopted Angel so that no one can take her away from me in future Ellie never told me who was her biological father and I never asked her"

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