Alex p.o.v

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I stared at him standing in front of me smirking evilly..

"Alex," I whispered in shock. I felt my whole body froze .

" Welcome to hell Jade " he whispered near my ear and slammed his lips on mine .

I was standing on the side of the hall ... There weren't many people, only Alex and his family . From my side there was just Kacey and my father who looked like the saddest person on his earth .

I still couldn't believe Alex married me but why???

Liar " He said in a dangerous voice.

"Liar, liar, liar, " his voice rose. " You know what Jade, you did what you wanted to, now it's my turn to return. I will destroy you Jade Petrikas, I will make your life a living hell. And trust me when I am saying, I will do it".

I close my eyes in frustration .... He wanted to take revenge from me ... He wanted me to suffer what the hell I have gotten myself into...

I felt furious all of the sudden.... Why are these things happening to me?

Am I so bad?

I looked at the sky " if you don't love me then at least tell me or kill me " I was babbling while holding my wedding gown coming out from the church when all of a sudden a car came and I shrieked in fear .

The car stops almost near my knee just missed by a second or I look up in the sky .

" I am sorry God I was just kidding please don't take my words seriously " I put my hand on my chest as I looked at the car . My heart is still beating loudly in my chest .

The car door opened and the devil walked out from it .

Even though I really really hate to say he is one piece of meat . He is looking like some model who is going for his photoshoot .

He removed his goggles then glared at me. Well I glared at him back but still holding my stupid wedding gown so it doesn't sweep the floor .

" You " he signed from his hand to move, making my mouth hang open .

How rude!!!!!

He went back to his car and started driving .

When he saw I didn't move he zoomed past me forcing me to step back .
I cannot believe he just left me in the church . His newly wedded wife .

What a .....

My father came out furiously ... " He left you "

I looked at my father " no he had some emergency work don't worry " I tried to assure . He is already worried and guilty I don't want him to feel more burden on his shoulder.

' Who are you fooling Jade? ' he spat in anger , I can see the vien pooping out .

Oh no he is angry , very angry

" Mr. Petrikas ... I am so sorry for my son's behaviour but he is a good guy .. he is just troubled these days " Alex's mother apologized politely .

" Leaving his wife on wedding day " my father voice boomed.

" I know Mr. Petrikas I apologise again , sorry "

I felt bad for her , she is so sweet it's not her fault that her son is a _____

" Come Jade .... I will take you to your new house " she offered me a smile and I gladly returned.

I hugged my dad " don't worry I will be okay " I whispered then forced a smile .

He kissed my forehead " I am lucky to have you as my daughter "
I smiled " I am lucky to be your daughter "

I entered the house , it's the same as when I came here for the first time with Alex , though at that time I was his friend .

MR. BILLIONAIRE  REVENGEWhere stories live. Discover now