six pack abs

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Jade p.o v

I was laying in bed as usual. Alex didn't come the whole night. I don't know where he spent his nights . Thinking about today what happened between me and Alex in the parking lot. I know it's my fault that I came in front of his car but I couldn't help but go all hulk on him but when he cared about my elbow I couldn't help but feel tingles erupted in my elbow. I am thinking too much. It's all my delusion I guess.. I shook my head and drifted into sleep.

Sunlight falls on my face making me aware that it's time for me to get up from my bed. I went to the bathroom to take a bath but when I tried to open the door it was jammed but after another push it opened. I walked in and hung my clothes to get ready for the bath . As I turned around I froze. Alex is lying in the bath and relaxing and his eyes are closed and foam covering his lower body. I am very thankful for the foam right now.

I couldn't help but scream to escape my lips. His eyes jerk open and widen at the realisation of my presence.

" What the hell are you doing here?" He tried to get up.

" No, No don't get up " I immediately turn around and close my eyes.

" What are you doing here? " He asked again.

I slowly turned around, now he was wearing a navy blue towel around his waist. " I Ummmm your six pack abs " I immediately covered my mouth Dammit what the hell is wrong with me.

"No I - I mean to say that I didn't know you were here and I came to  the door which is also open and I didn't know you ... I should get going " I said at 4g speed.

" Okay just go from here " He said, looking more nervous than me . I bit my lips from laughing , He was looking so cute and hot as hell . I was about to walk but because of the water I slipped. Alex tried to save me but he too lost his balance and we both fell on the bathtub. I was top of him and his hand around my waist, we both looked at each other then burst into laughter.. I didn't know how long we were laughing when I realised that he stopped laughing and staring at me intensely which gave me a weird feeling . His gaze held my stares too making it impossible to avert my eyes from him , his eyes fell on my lips and I did the same. I for a second wanted to kiss those lips, He leaned toward me and I did the same . I closed my eyes waiting for his lips on mine but it didn't come. Instead of his lips brushing on my ear , I shiver at his touch. " I think we should get up or we will catch a cold" He said and I came back to reality . I immediately tried to get up but again fall or lips were inch apart making me freeze. My heart started beating fast abnormally and surprisingly I can hear him too.

We finally got up as we both looked at each other then immediately avert our eyes . Okay this is awkward...

Alex p.o.v

When I came this morning I saw Jade sleeping peacefully, I immediately went to the washroom . I hold my head, this hangover is killing my head , I lay on the bathtub relaxing when I heard her voice I was shocked and embarrassed , I haven't been naked in front of anyone , I am still a Virgin ... Yes I am because I don't think sleeping with different women makes you manly. I respect women and their emotions. I don't want to use any girl just for my satisfaction.

When she turned around I immediately took a towel and wrapped it around my waist.

When she fell over me foam was on her head making her look more cute then she already is ..when she laughed it made her more cute and made me feel happy from inside I don't know why but I felt happy at this moment , I wanted to kiss her but I can't forget about her betrayal...

I just can't....

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