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Alex p.o.v

she slammed the door walking out from the room.

Finally I made her cry and I should be happy right but no I am not but watching her cry that's all I wanted then why I am not getting peace " arrrghhh what the hell is wrong with me" I throw my phone in frustration.

Jade p.o v

"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him". I yelled in frustration. He ruined my life, my work and everything. First he took advantage of my mother's illness and married me for his revenge then he stopped me from meeting my mother and now he fired me from my job . Monster he is a monster

I was walking in the parking lot alone when I heard some voices . I immediately turned around but the parking lot was empty. No one was there. It's like a horror film where the heroine is walking alone in the parking lot alone when the ghost attacks her. I was so depressed in my sorrow that I forgot the fact that I am afraid of ghosts. Tsk tsk... I heard some voices again. By this time I started running as fast as possible. I forgot about Alex and his freaking revenge . I was just running from the imaginary ghost , I didn't heard the sound of the car because of which I almost hit by the car and fell on the floor with a loud thud  , I groan in pain as I sat up I didn't get any serious injury butI hurt my elbow as I examine my elbow when I heard his voice monster . He looked a little taken aback , He kneeled down in front of me concerned covering all over his face . I felt anger built inside me " Are you okay? '' He asked me. His voice held genuine concern for me for a second. I forgot my anger and stared at his beautiful eyes. Seriously, what's wrong with me? How can I even think that I shook my head vigorously.

Alex p.o.v

I was driving in the parking lot when somebody came in front of the car all of a sudden, making me widen my eyes in panic . I turned left to prevent my car from hitting her but the side of the car almost hit her because she fell on the floor. I immediately got out of the car to check up on her whether she was alright or not. " Are yo? " I stopped in the middle when I saw Jade's face... I was a little taken aback for a second but I composed myself. I kneeled down in front of her . The look she was giving me screamed that she still hasn't forgotten about today's incident but right now I am just concerned about her. "Are you okay? " I asked her. She stared at me for a second but started shaking her head vigorously. I want to laugh at her behaviour.

" Let's get in the car " I told her and got up to get inside the car when she stopped me by saying..

Disappointed " She asked me standing up

" Excuse me " I was confused by her words.

" Disappointed that you want to kill me but you failed " She yelled at me.

What the hell is wrong with her..

I gritted my teeth in anger " It was an accident " I hissed at her.

She took a step towards me " Ohh please don't you dare to lie to me I know you all guys are the same in sensitive ,arrogant , rude , MCP " She screamed at my face.

I took a step towards her " Don't you dare to talk to me like that nobody talk to me like that understand "

" That's why you are a heartless and insensitive" She yelled at me throwing all her frustration from the morning.

" if you don't know how to talk then why don't you just get the hell out of here " I yelled at her this time she flinched at my tone.

" If you don't know how to talk then why don't you just shut up " She screamed at Me.

I was about to say something when I saw her elbow was bleeding shit and here she is fighting with me like there is no tomorrow . I took out my handkerchief and put it on her elbow. She was about to say something when she saw what I was doing and she stopped talking . There was a pin drop silence , I started to wipe the blood and she hissed in pain " am sorry "I immediately said . I blew from my mouth on her injury and she closed her eyes in pain.

" Let's go home" thankfully she didn't protest.

Then we went home.

MR. BILLIONAIRE  REVENGEWhere stories live. Discover now