How many Idiots does it take to Screw in a light bulb?

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As I limb down the hall I notice the other patients have their drapes draw to provide some privacy. I try to find a Nurse, Nurses aid, or somebody to tell me where the rest room was.

I turn around and see double doors back at the other end of the ward, and only an exit sign the way I'm heading.. I hobble back the way I came and pass my bed.  I limb up to the Nurses Station, with charts and other documents for medical uses. Though No Nurse(s) I walk up to the double doors with inlay widows in them. I spy out of them to see a four way leading to other double doors, & no restroom.

Sighing I hobble back to my bed, & see a Duck it's a bedside urinal on the patient bedside drawers. I close the drapes & make good use of the duck, Praying that I don't over flow it.

Finished, I check the front of my bed & see the in/out flow measurement paper. Grinning I read the side of the duck to and put down the amount on the paper, then replace the bedside chart to the front of my bed. Yawning I sit on the bed, remove the slippers slide back under the still warm covers and fall fast asleep.

 "Ah here we go, our new check in from Thursday is finally awake." says a very small woman, with a clipboard and moving a seat toward the bedside. She has a doctor coat on.

I open my eyes fully, and stretch. I sit up in the bed watching her climb into the chair. Looking for all the world like a child playing dress up, though the ease in which she got her self up and looked me over told me she is what she says she is.

 "How are you feeling today? You look like you'r bits and pieces are finally put themselves together nicely at least." She asked & commented.

I can't help but smile, as I tell her " I'm doing better, I don't feel all that undone."

she nodded and motions with her hand for me to lean my face closure to her. I do as directed. She touches my forehead then looks into my eyes, then turns my face this way and that.

"I'm called Twelve.. Er Doctor Twelve. cause my full name is a pain to say in the English Language, & that I look way younger than I am." she smirkenly says.

I try not to smile, but it creeps up. "Nice to meet you, ah where am I, I thought I was going to a Homeless Shelter." I say as I look around my hospital bed area & add. " And not a hospital."

She grins at this as she takes my hand and as she pokes it says, "You could call it a homeless shelter with other facilities to cover medical, Psych, and the die wiedereingliedrung fur Missgeburt."

I stare at her as my smile fading and my right eye brows rising.

"You don't know German?" She asks looking at me, like I should know it some how.

I shake my head, which is getting that hardening of lead in the back feeling again. Along with an Erie cold feeling that sends chills down my spin..

Dr. Twelves eyes start to change color, from calming hazel to cold piercing blue..

"Look, I am part German, among other things but I never picked up the language. Never had a use to." I say quickly.

Her eyes slowly blend back to hazel as the cold feeling fades. She sighs and asks. "Do you know where your at?"

I answer her slowly, "At the Maple Street M. E. T. Shelter.. For homeless."

She blurts out in German that changes to something that hurts my head. It's like I should know, maybe some where in the back of my head does, but it's not getting to the other parts for me to understand. So it's like just a building Migraine.

I shake my head and reach out with my hand and some how catch one of hers, and hold it as softly as I can, & plead with her to stop.

 My eyes are shut tight, as the pain burst through my head, catching fire to nerve ending that been unused and are all but twigs inside my brain..

I blink my eyes, that are watery. I slowly shake my head feeling my limits to see if I was having a major migraine, or was my brain calming.. It's a little tender.

Dr. Twelve is still sitting and staring at me quizzically.

She asks calmly, "What do you remember before you fainted?"

I close my eyes as the migraine had to throb just once more, to remind me it was only leaving cause it wanted to and not cause of anything else.

"I.. I think I roared or screamed." I recall.

"Okay, Keep your eyes shut, I'm going to be shining light at your face. So please do not open them till I tell you to open them." Dr. Twelve says.

I nod. Then a golden light  causes me to draw back a bit.

I hear other people come over to my bed.

Dr. Twelve asks, "Can you say your full name for me"

I start to say my name, but I see myself everything that makes me "Me" being shown to all. I feel uncomfortable for a second. The "all of Me" blurs only showing a tall over weight man with a fake mask of "i'm a normal person" covering something much bigger, Stronger, & scarier behind it. trying to fade so only the Fake mask is what is left.

Several of the viewers, murmur. I hear one that sounds like "not to bad."

Dr. Twelve hushs them, then says "Please calm down, there are other workers here, that need to view this, all you need to do is understand. That we ARE HERE FOR YOU, if you feel you can't help us help you. I wont know how to assign you. You wont get the full benefits of  Missgeburt. Eremia. Taphe. Facility."

A tear runs down my face, as I nod. I've always been told hide who, what I was, always been told to never show anyone "All of Me" and what makes me "ME".. I watch as the fake mask slowly cracks and crumbles as fear, insecurities, the faults, guilts, of the years get added to the mask, that kept everyone around me at bay. The huge scary thing that was hiding behind the mask crumbles. All the anger, rage, brooding, and ego.. er a bit of ego,. crumble.. Layer by layer of junk, weighing me down. Unable to help, weakness that kept me from just enjoying life.

Black bubbling oil slides off a strange humanoid shape. my brain feels lighter, my soul could lift me off the ground.. almost..

Me as "ME" is shown..  A tall over weight man that has done nothing, saved nothing, is no one to remember.. though it's surface starts to run also. the flesh drips off like so much fat off a cooking pig

Ego dips and tries to pool hiding back the naked truth..

 I see golden Bright light shining back from the image it out shines the one the Doctor is using..

I pass out, unable to understand what I saw, it looked human, it looked like me. The fat guy, but there was so much love, so much caring, too much power to view all at once. It was good and bad.. it was smiling at me. It was Frighting, Madding, Piss your Pants scary, & yet was the most protective i've ever felt..

I heard myself say as I past out, "How many Idiots does it take to screw in a light bulb" just as the Golden Light took over everything in my mind, body, and soul.. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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