Walking shouldn't this painful

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As I walked, I hum these boots are made for walking..

30 minutes after leaving the house, I'm in pain!!

My Left knee started swelling up, and my right hip feels the 2 weeks worth of leaving the house at the crack of dawn, walking to the General Assistants Building 2 miles away.

Yeah, yeah it was only 2 miles away. All I knew every day after doing 4 to 6 miles a day that's If, I went to the Library  also.

Today the morning was cool, but now after 35 minutes, I'm burning up. I make it to the Corner store pull out my Debit card I rescued from my separated wife. I buy. I BUY myself a Soda, & extra cash so I can catch a bus to the train.. ( I know I already talked about that, but compared to how I feel from then )

2 to 3 and a half weeks difference worth, I'm feeling better. Anyway as I gotten to the train, I didn't know where to go. So I just went into the City.

Limping from painful joint pain, I caught the 7:45 am train, Steam bellowed from the stack.. Nay It was diesel electric engine. I just Imagined boarding a steam one, till I fell asleep.

Upon waking up, I depart the train and make my way up out f the Subway. My legs, right arm, & back feel as if i've been ding this for days & are giving me a hard time while I keep going. I spy that the Main Library is open. So I head over there to check my email. after getting to the inner lobby, a security Guard comes over to tell me I can't been my container int the Library.

Grunting I walk back outside to the front. Looking around the Big City, knowing if I leave my container out here more than 15 minutes or less, I'll loose everything inside it.

I close my eyes as I squat over my container, I place my right hand over it. I pray over it. Please let nothing get taken..

Feeling weaker, I limp as fast as I can back into the Library. Then head to the clerk to see if there is an open computer that I can use.

The lady smiles as I ask, & assigns me a computer that was open, and wishes me a better day. I nod and hobble to the open chair and sign on.

 I find my sister has left a ton of messages. Seems my wife has been asking around where I went to. I leave a message for my sister, asking her if it would be okay if I stopped by for a day or 2 so I could think of where I was going.

2 minutes.  After checking emails & deleting several from the wife.

a pop up message from my sister reads..

 Get your butt home now, and I know you know my meaning of home is ..

I grin numbly as I reply, my thanks.

I clear off the computer & get up and painfully hobble to retrieve my container outside. I get outside and the top was removed, I check my stuff and it's all there.. Weird.

Putting the Container back on the wheel bag I head back to the subway, catch another train close to my sisters, then a Bus.

2 hours later.. I'm off the bus and lost.... I didn't ask where my sister lived. I can't remember her number neither.. "AH CRAP!" I say, as my container off's off the bag spilling out all over the sidewalk.

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