1- Just Another Inmate.

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"Did you hear the rumours? I heard Officer Fletcher talking about it with Officer Meeks this morning," As soon as I took my place at the table, Roxy decided to repeat herself for what seemed like the forty-thousandth time looking across at Gray.

"Nope," I didn't bother looking up as I answered, picking at the stale meatloaf the lunch lady had just slopped on my sectioned plate.

"You haven't heard?" She gasped in shock, I looked up at Gray to see her shaking her head in her hands. I knew she was cussing me out subconsciously. "Ashworth's accepted to hold the Cincinnat-"

"Ashworth Correctional Facility has been chosen to allow Cincinnati's greatest psycho to run out his sentence, yeah, yeah, we know Roxy." Gray repeated, interrupting the gossip obsessed woman with a monotone - annoyed voice.

"Of course I've heard Rox, it's the latest news in this dump." I shook my head with a grin, winking at Gray and she bit her lip - clearly Roxy going on about it had got to her.

"What do you think? Do you reckon this guys as insane as everyone makes out?" She rambles elbowing Gray and without another word she gets up in a huff and walks away.

"Jeez, someone's on their period." Roxane muttered, I managed to convince myself to take a swig of the milk whilst blanking out the girl whose always. . somewhere.

"I'm so pumped, this place needs some action. I'm bored of Shay and his story about dealing drugs and overdosing his brother." She rolled her eyes and a deep set frown became apparent on my face - Roxy wasn't normal, she had a few screws loose. . don't we all?

"Okay," I rolled my eyes, stabbing a mushy carrot with the plastic fork.

"That's all you have to say? This is the biggest news since Johnson was pregnant!" She pulled my tray away from me and I clenched my jaw - she was pissing me off now. "What do you think?"

I paused, waving the fork in the air nonchalantly. Until I saw Officer Quinn eyeing me up suspiciously. "Eh, I mean. . it's whatever I guess. It's just a guy."

"Whatever? He's insane!" She exclaimed and it was at this point I stood up, and walked away.

Roxy was always a drama queen, I was never too fond of her. But she's one of those people, you seriously don't want to get on the wrong side of. . so I use her to my advantage and make like we're friends. I'm not afraid of her, I just don't want anymore time in here than I've already been given.

"Alright, King, back to your cell it is then." Meeks handcuffed me as I tried to walk out the doors. I had no issue with it, not wanting to start a scene and end up in confinement to miss the new arrival. .

I knew how to work this place.

-dean ambrose-

"Gah, watch it!" I scoffed trying to yank my hands from the cuffs. "I'm fragile you know you inconsiderate bastard."

The three officers continued to yank and pull at me like a piece of meat as they pulled me up the stairs to another shit hole I'd have to call home. I wasn't planning on making it any easier for them after they'd handcuffed my ankles too.

So I played limp.

"Ambrose. I suggest you put your feet into action before we forcefully drag you to your cell." An officer with blonde hair warned me. I couldn't take him seriously, he looked like a cheerleader, not an asylum guard.

"Pssh," I scoffed glaring at him as the rest of the big men listened in. "Aren't you already forcefully dragging me?" I mocked.

His faced hardened. "Don't push your luck."

"I'm not afraid of some dweeb who's still stuck in his sad high-school years where he's bleached his hair to shit to get noticed." I chided with a smirk confidently on my face.

I grimaced, suppressing a yell. Within seconds he had his baton, smacking it with brute force against the back of my knee caps.

I fell backwards, only to be caught by the guards as they grabbed each of my cuffed limbs and carried me through the doors to their idea of hell. . my idea of a playground.

"You're scared of me, I can see it in your eyes." I smiled up at blondie as he walked beside the officers carrying me.

He glanced, meeting my eyes momentarily out of the corner of his own.

"You wouldn't want to mess with a guy like me Blondie. ." I kept at it, why? Because I could see that he hated it and it was my entertainment.

"Is that a threat Mr Ambrose?" He raises his brows as the men stop at a key card door and place me down on my feet again.

I shake out my legs, rattling the cuffs to startle them. "C'mon gentlemen, get a move on! I need my beauty sleep on my swanky new mattress."

Nobody laughs, but I'm having a hell of a time. This happens wherever I've been taken through the years. I always get shipped to the next place until they can't stand me.

"Keep going Ambrose." Blondie seethes through his teeth. "You'll be sedated before you can even get to your floor mattress."

"Sounds like fun, I like to get high." I somehow blow a kiss at him awkwardly and watch as his jaw tenses.

"You know. ." I paused squinting at his name badge. "Richard Quinn, I think we'll be good friends."

After getting past the endless closed doors the men drag me down a shit tonne of corridors, all the while I am focused on getting into blondies head.

"It's Officer Quinn to you, punk." He points his taser at me, a few men on my other side shush the yelling of the other inmates wanting my ass.

I'm pretty sure they'll be dead before they lay a finger on me though.

I wait a while, looking harshly at a man in a cell as the guards stop to call through the radios what cell is mine. He is bald, many, many tattoos and his stare isn't nearly as deathly as my own.

"Come over here tough guy!" He yells and I squint, smirking widely as a challenge. "I'll beat your ass to a pulp next time I see you! You're dead!"

With that we continue walking, stopping at cell 06214.

I'm shoved inside, falling face first with a grimace. Once on my back the men cautiously uncuff me and quickly lock the cell door.

Through the barred window, I'm left with Blondies face.

"Hey, I've decided I'm going to call you Dick. An since I presume you're my appointed guard, I need a nickname for my blonde friend." I try to reach out and pat his face mockingly but he harshly hits my fingers away and I catch another glimpse of fear in his eyes.

"Officer Quinn." He heightens the volume of his less than intimidating tone and I laugh.

"I'll call you what I want Dick, within a few months. . everyone in this playground will be following my rules anyway. I run this show. I run every show. I'm the Cincinnati Psycho."

His eyes widen at my devilish grin, before he walks away without a word.

I'm in for one hell of a ride. And it's going to end in my escape. I'm going to finish what I started.


Third and final contestant in the running for my new story, kinda a creepy vibe, Dean's hella funny though I guess

Let me know which one you's all like, id appreciate it a lot as I'm having trouble deciding!

Maybe it's because in the 3 stories - Dean has complete opposite personalities? In the first he's obsessed with himself, in the second he's heartbroken over his friends death and the third (this one) he's cocky, insane and doesn't take himself too seriously? Idk?

Ilysm X

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