2- Sharing A Smoke.

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"Have you seen him?" Roxy asked warily as we walked down the corridors in our block, free time. We were supposed to stay in the common room, but I never did.

"Seen who?" I frowned at her and she widened her eyes in shock.

"The psycho!"

"We're all psycho Rox, if you're talking about Gray then that's unfair." She stopped me, harshly holding my upper arm.

"The Cincinnati Psycho, he arrived last night. He's here!" She shook me and I scoffed shaking her off harshly as I carried on walking with her behind me.

"Who cares Rox? It's just another guy in this hell hole, what makes him so bad?" I shook my head in amusement, opening the usual closet I hid in to have a smoke. Regrettably Roxane followed behind me.

"You can't say that. . it'll make him mad." She whispered as though this loser was in the room as I lit up.

"Yeah?" I asked taking a drag, watching as she looked around worriedly. "An what happens when I'm mad, I'm just as dangerous. Just because I'm talking to you, doesn't mean we're best pals."

Her face fell whilst I puffed out. "Oh. ."

"Yeah." I scoffed sitting on a upturned bucket. "So go find Gray and tell her because I don't give a damn."

She walked out of the tiny room not seconds later. I sat there for a while, finishing up my smoke and contemplating things upon things.

I knew that free time ended at one. It had to be near that, but I wasn't entirely sure. An did I really want to run into Roxy and her paranoia again?


That's for sure.

-dean ambrose-

"Hey blondie, where are we going?" I cricked my neck to look back at my guard as he held my cuffs behind my back and walked us down an endless dark corridor.

"Are we going to wonderland? Is this a date?" I winked at him, licking my lips. I knew he was once again taking the bait just like yesterday when he tightened the cuffs around my wrists.

"I'm loosing my patients with you." He tries to hold back his annoyance, I smirk as we turn a corner. The corridor even more empty and dark than the last.


"Hey Dick?" I questioned, obliging to walk with him. He didn't answer and I shook my head. "If you're taking me out to lunch then it's a little rude on the first date. I don't like this dominatrix vibe you're giving me with these cuffs."

He doesn't even crack a smile. I however am thoroughly amused. Just as expected, we come to a halt. He slams me up against the wall and glares at me.

"Watch your mouth Ambrose!" He hisses moving his hand to my throat. I smirk through his hold, spotting just what I needed from the corner of my eye.

"Woah blondie, little close here don't ya think?" I speak through strained voice, his eyes are like stone whilst I continue to joke around.

"Just thought I'd let you know. . Dean doesn't kiss on a first date. . so back off." He released me, yelling out in frustration whilst I winked.

He turned around, rage building inside of him.

So I took my opportunity.

I bought my arms under my feet to bring the cuffs to my front and instantly charged for the taser clipped onto his pathetic belt.

He flinched, realising but I was already feet away by the time Dick tried to react. I pointed it at him awkwardly with my cuffed hands.

"Hands away from the radio blondie." I warned, he gulped, fear striking his face. His hands moved from the radio on his shoulder, briefly.

Cincinnati Psycho || dean ambrose (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now