3- Threats And Fires.

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"Rise and shine King, you're scheduled for participation in today's activities class." I attempt to block out Officer Meeks as he called for me the fourth time.

He rattles the bars of my cell. "Alright, alright." I shout pulling the sheet over myself.

"Put your boots on, the class starts at eight. You got five minutes." He unlocks my cell, standing in the doorway as I pull myself up and slip my untied - too loose - combat boots on.

I glare at him annoyed after his rude wake up call. I have no chance to pull up my hair, wash my face as I am grabbed and pulled out into the corridor.

I've worked this place enough to not need cuffing to places around this hell. Instead he strangles my wrist in his hand and I am pulled along beside him.

We almost reach the minors block, for the lesser offenders, where they feel confident enough to hold these stupid activities. Until Meeks is stopped by Roxy yelling.

"Hey handsome, where you takin' Dev? You can't take her without me?" She calls holding onto her bars.

She always looks like she's had no hours sleep, but in reality I knew she had. She's just. . her.

"Please. ." She whines at my appointee of two years. "Take me with Devin, I'm bored. ."

"You're going for testing Parker, wait for Fletcher." He tells her sternly. Maybe that's why Roxy always looked done for? She's always after drugs.

"But I can't wait that long." She pleaded falling down the bars with a groan. "I'm horny too. ."

That's when I realised that she'd conjured up the idea that Meeks was going to fuck me. No. No way. Told you she was insane.

"Shut up Parker." Meeks snapped as he continued to walk away with me, through the locked doors. I could only listen out as Roxane called my name.

I wondered where Gray was. She's the only one I've actually enjoyed getting to know in this place. But she's kinda quiet.

"That woman gives me a headache." Officer Meeks sighs heavily, I don't glance back, instead I roll my eyes.

I have no intentions of talking to him after he woke me up early.

-dean ambrose-

"And today your chosen activity is collage making." I grit my teeth, agitated as I chewed on a tooth pick I'd found the night before stabbed into the bottom of my mattress.

Bad searches on this places behalf. My gain. Their trouble. Apparently these things are a weapon in this psycho ward.

"Please, take a seat at one of the tables. . Mandy will hand out the supplies." She whines on and some of these half weights are actually listening and excited.

I however, sit alone on a two seater table in the corner. Clearly they've deemed this my place, they're scared of my capabilities as always.


I find it quite ironic. Maybe a little stupid that these idiots have allowed me into an activities club on my third day here. I'm a danger. But they don't seem to care, as long as they're okay.

Maybe they want me to kill off the weaklings? Is that an honour?

"I want black. Give me black paint." A man with brown hair and glasses comments, staring blankly at his paper from the four seater table nearest mine.

"Stephen, there is no paint, this is collage." The other woman, whom I presumed was the referenced Mandy spoke. I chuckled, he was obviously psychotic.

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