5- Preparation And Dark Deals.

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"Devin!" I slowly glanced up after leaving my head on the table in the dining room. Roxy and Gray were opposite me, as per usual, Roxy was incessantly calling my name.

"You know it's rude not to answer me." She waves in my face and I take mere seconds to pull away.

"I asked you what's wrong? Did Meeks have his way with you?" She whispered cooly, I was not in the mood for her.

"Would you just leave her alone?" Gray chipped in, slapping Roxane on the arm and I internally thanked her. Rox was simply my worst nightmare on the outside to be totally honest.

But although it may not seem it, Gray and Roxane came as a package deal in here, and when I arrived, I was desperate for allies.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." She grumbled, I lifted my head again, glaring at her.

"Wouldn't you be if you'd been caned to high hell and sedated for two days?" Gray exclaimed, reminding our air-head friend that I'd been punished for the whole fire alarm stunt.

"Oh yeah. ." Roxy whispered, picking up a half eaten apple from Gray's plate. "I still don't understand it."

I stayed silent, knowing she would push the issue about me breaking out of activities on my own. She had no idea that her precious Cincinnati Psycho had set his sights on me. An I had no reason to tell her.

"Like I told you, Devin got bored of Mandy's whining and decided to have some fun. It worked out well for everyone didn't it? We got extra time outside." Gray backed me up, I'd told her about Ambrose, only because she'd seen him around, and he was talking to himself about 'Devin'.

Probably a bad move on my part.

"Yeah. . accept your stunt interrupted my time with Officer Fletcher." Roxy grumbled referencing to her eager temptation to sex and I rolled my eyes.

My head was pounding. It had been for two days.

"You're ridiculous." Gray laughed. "You've been trying with Fletch for ages, he's not interested."

"He will be." She spoke proudly, licking her lips. "If not, I'll just wait till I get out and ask your brother."

Gray's eyes widened. "Kelan won't be coming anywhere near you."

"Rude." Roxy scoffed, her last words before getting up from our table and walking away to Officer Fletcher.

"Rest easy Dev. I hafta go find Dawson." I couldn't even say another word as Gray left to find her Officer.

I had not one objection as it allowed me to sit here for the rest of lunch, alone, with my headache and constant throbbing behind.

Meeks didn't care either. He wasn't so nice anymore, not since I was taken to see Baxter.

-dean ambrose-

I feel great, like I'm floating around in the clouds, but I'm high as fuck from the drugs they've got me on so that's to be expected.

Solitary was fun. They shoved me in a straight jacket and gave me slop on a plate to eat for two days. That wasn't the best part though, the medication was.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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