4- Punishment And Promises.

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-dean ambrose-

"I see someone's been to the sex shop to get some toys?" I goaded Quinn as he dragged me in cuffs towards some kind of isolation block.

He had a baton in his free hand and I noticed a new taser and needle concealed within his belt.

He said nothing to my comment, and I was curious as we stopped outside of an office.

"You're in for it now boy, no more idiotic jokes." He chuckled, clearly referencing that whatever was behind this door would be horrific for me.

"I'm sorry if you've got the wrong end of the stick Dick. . but I'm not gay." I sniggered, feeling his grip on my arm tighten.

"You're pushing it now." He spat in my ear, knocking on the door three times. "Shut up and show some respect."

"How can I respect you if you go from dominant to submissive at a few words from my mouth?" I whispered, failing to hold back a chuckle. "You're indecisive and that means you're not sure what you want."

"You're disgusting." He spat, I felt the taser press to my back as he stood beside me. I licked my lips.

"I get it," I turned to look him in the eyes. "You're afraid I'll reject you because you can't contain yourself. . so you'll have to knock me out."

"Goddamnit, why won't she open the door." He cursed under his breath beside me.

"God can't damn anything Dick, he's not real. Besides, I'm okay with it. . until I wake up and want your head on a stick."

"You're done for-" He was cut short when the door creaked open in the orange tinted corridor. I was shoved inside as Officer Dick followed behind.

I had no idea where I was, the small room was dark, floor wooden and worn. The walls were a disgusting shade of mould green with a pattern on. A grand desk sat agains the back wall in front of a window. With a two ancient looking wooden chairs sat in front of it. Leather straps hanging from the arms and legs of each.

More sex toys? Is this place a palace for a giant orgy party or something?

I'm not into it. I'd end up killing them.

There was a cabinet in the corner of the room, door slightly agape and darkness lay behind it.

"Sit him down." A woman's voice ordered lowly. I saw her come from a hidden door behind me - she looked like a nun.

Innocence is my favourite thing.

I was shoved, stumbling over my feet as Quinn threw me to one of the chairs and I couldn't comprehend anything for a second before he strapped me down to the chair by my legs.

"Is this a lap dance?" I smirked looking him in the eyes as he undid my cuffs and strapped down my hands.

"I apologise Missus Baxter, his attitude is despicable." She nodded curtly, I noticed a cane stood at the side of her desk.

"Who's this? Your advisor?" I looked back at Dick before glaring at the woman. "Because if it is, she sure knows nothing about how to groom someone for sex."

"I wouldn't pay her a dime." I scoffed.

I bit my lip, not long after I spoke a raw stinging sensation overwhelming my cheek. She'd slapped me, hard look on her wrinkled face as she sat down behind her desk.

"You're a dominatrix too?" I laughed to myself, "I wouldn't go there though, maybe Dick would."

I watched as Quinn pathetically apologised to the woman, fear striking his eyes.

Cincinnati Psycho || dean ambrose (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now