So... Im just gonna start putting dots here

30 2 3

•Phils POV•
I looked around my motel room, basically gagging. There was mysterious brown staying on the stripy grey carpet. There was only one bed that I could tell hadn't been washed in months there were semen and visible blood stains... Guess who sleeping in the chair?!

I sat an my new temporary "bed" and looked through my bag, seeing what I grabbed. I had 5 tee shirts, one pair of black skinnies, some lose jeans, and a pair of plain black vans. That was it clothes wise, but I had brought shampoo, soap, a tooth brush, and a comb. (Yes I have underwear, I just didn't feel like telling you, geese back off a little you pesky readers)
I checked the time on my phone 3 am. It was then I realized I had to go back to school today... In about three hours...

Hm. I wonder if Chris went to my school. I don't think so, I would've noticed... I was dreading seeing Dan again, but that would have to wait till later.

*le magical time skip*

I walked into school freezing, as it was the middle of winter, and I only had tee shirts. I went through my classes normally until I had my class with Dan. My hands are shaking like crazy, and my anxiety went to its extreme, to where I almost passed out.

When I went in I saw Dan guiltily sitting in the corner back desk, lip quivering. He had my Jake hoodie on, as much as I didn't want to talk to him... I'm freezing my arse off. I walked over shaking like crazy.
"C-can I have my hoodie?" I was playing my voice wouldn't crack, but here we are now. He pulled it off, and what I saw next I was not prepared for...

Authors note: yup I'm a bitch. Deal with it. But I am missing my Dan and Phil jumper and I'm bloody freezing rn. It's summer, but I literally get cold in 95 degree weather... Okay well I guess that's it for now, but guys!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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