Chapter 2: So Boring, So Exciting

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(Bri's POV)

So my day was boring, until that happened. It was just me, my laptop, and a dark room. I was talking to Lachlyn the whole time just talking about anything and everything. We were talking about meeting each other, it all got a bit hectic after that. The last thing I remember is having the idea of that fan fiction, what was it again, haha I don't even remember. But this all led to now. This life changing moment.

It looks as if I'm in Edenia somewhere, but I thought Edenia wasn't real, no I was certain it wasn't real. It's just part of my favourite game. Mortal Kombat can't be real, but that's, oh my god it's him! It's Sub-Zero! Good thing he's facing away from me I'm in my pyjamas and they aren't very formal. Guess I'll have to sneak past him.

"Don't move trespasser!" I hear someone yelling, wait not someone. It's Jade, huh wait 'till Lachlyn hears about this he will be so jealous of me.

"Jade what is-" Sub-Zero turned around and saw me. Shit! Why did he have to see me in my pyjamas and now I am blushing! Fuck you man, like honestly I have a major crush on you but fuck you, you weren't supposed to turn around.

"This girl is trespassing, Sub-Zero take her to your quarters in the palace." Jade barked her orders. "I must tend to another trespasser Kitana found." She began to walk away with a very over exaggerated cat walk, wow she obviously doesn't know how to walk normally.

"Jade, what was the other trespasser like." Subby quickly asked before she disappeared.

"Male, dressed in a suit and tie I guess, a tanned complexion with black curled hair." Jade replied only taking a short glance over her shoulder then continuing to walk off.

"Bitch." I mumble. Looking down still really embarrased that Subby had seen me in this state, not even taking heed of what Jade had just said.

"Show respect to the woman who showed you mercy!" Sub-Zero shouted seemingly annoyed.

"O-o-o-okay." I stuttered really trying hard to stop myself from fan girling. Also because his voice was cold and cruel... I didn't like it.


Suddenly everything was dark and cold. Next thing I remember is waking up in a deep ice blue room, with Sub-Zero laying next to me. What the hell! Oh my god, best, day, ever! I was blushing and smiling with my eyes closed trying to muffle a scream.

"Wake up!" Jade yelled. Wow she had no sense of privacy. Wait a minute she was blushing? Maybe she saw the other trespasser and liked what she saw.

Sub-Zero was suddenly standing still in his lin kuei outfit. So hot!

"Get up girl." Sub-Zero said coldly.

"My name is Briana." I retort sharply.

He glances over his shoulder sneering at me. "Just get up." He said just as angrily as before. Wow was this really the love of my life?  Was this really how he acted?

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter :/ I was in a bit of a pickle and it was so close to the end anyway xD next two chapters will be longer.

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