Chapter 5: Waking up, again

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I was out cold for at least 5 hours because I remember it being late morning when I went to see Kitana and now it is early night and I'm in bed. Again.

"Y-you're awake." Jade whispered but even whispering you could hear her pain, and out of the corner of my eye I can see her tears. I roll over with much pain and effort but I can, now I can see Jade completely she looks really hurt, why is that?

"Jade what's... wrong?" I asked with a lot of struggle. The pain that shot through my chest was insane, it felt like a million hot pokers went straight through me, it is excruciating and I think Jade has noticed because she is rolling me on to my back and laid next to me still crying.

"I don't want to see you get hurt... I think-" Jade was trying to reply but I put a finger to her lips.

"Don't love me, love Smoke or Kung Lao they are better than me." I replied with pain rushing through my chest again. I hate saying that because I do I have a thing for her, but I can't provide a life that she wants.

"No! They are fighters! I don't want to love a fighter." she yelled getting up and pacing.

"But I am not strong enough for you." I whispered.

"So fucking what Lachlyn! Also why can't you provide the life I want? You don't even know the life I want!" Jade screamed as Kitana rushed in, fans out and at my throat. What the hell again!

"What have you done to Jade!" Kitana yelled. This is just like home everyone seems to hate me, then it happened. Jade pulled Kitana off of me and got into a fighting stance.

"Off him Kitana we will sort it out." Jade replied slightly too calmly, her voice also had a hint of pride and steel. She was ready to fight. This is not good.

My side had begun bleeding again and they were going to fight until I fell out of the bed screaming curses at the top of my lungs.

"Fuck! Shit! Fuck!" as I closed my eyes and clutched at the newly opened wound. Jade rushed to my side along with Kitana, I don't think Jade wanted her there though because she pushed her life long friend away.

"Kitana please leave I can handle this." Jade yelled shakily as she stitched and dressed the wound appropriately, and Kitana obeyed her wishes surprisingly.

"Jade... I." I tried talking but couldn't.

"Quiet it will hurt less."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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