Chapter 4: Why am I here

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I got dragged through the halls of the palace by Sub-Zero, who by no means said sorry at all for this morning or last night! God a bit of fucking courtesy has been lost to this guy. Wait a minute could this be, yes it must be Bi Han, not my Subby. Yes! Thank goodness it is not Kuai or I would kill him and have to never ever play him again. Which would be really sad.

"The princess wishes to see you so you are being delivered!" He shouted. Good lord I hate Bi Han.

"Fine!" I shouted back equally as loud as I trudged along. I guess he hated me too so it's all fair game.

So I was pushed and pulled through doors. No surprises there. Until I was finally at the large oak doors of the throne room. They were magnificent I mean, I haven't seen anything like them. I was suddenly pushed through the doors into the massive throne room. Like massive as in my house size!

Kitana was already speaking to someone, a male who was with Jade, they looked happy together. Wait I think that's Lachlyn! But he can't be here he isn't part of the Mortal Kombat universe and it probably isn't even him. Oh I'd better find out, so I snuck away moving my head towards the door. I saw him tell Jade and he snuck away whilst Jade distracted Kitana. Good we can talk. I snuck out with him and pushed him into the wall by his throat.

"Who are you?!" I yelled at him. Ouch he looked hurt, I mean look at his chest it started bleeding.

"My name is Lachlyn now can I be put down my... my chest." His eyes were closing, so I let him go and he hit the floor with a bang. Jade ran through the doors and knelt beside him glaring at me.

"Why?!" She asked loudly her voice quivering as tears threatened to fall.

"I-I didn't mean it, his chest started bleeding so I let him down." I replied shaking.

"Just go to Kitana, I shall tend to this." Jade replied tears falling and her body shaking.


"Just go."


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