Chapter 3: The Meeting

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(It swaps every chapter... so you get the picture)

So after that chat with only my fucking idol! I went to see Kitana and just before the corridor to the throne room I started to worry.

It's not like she hates me or anything, right? Oh god what if she did, what if Kitana hated me for nothing. This isn't good. I mean not only if she hates me she will kill me, but she will make it slow and painful!

"Stop worrying so much. She doesn't hate you she just thought... she just saw you were different, thought maybe you were out to harm her." Jade said soothingly as she walked up beside me taking my hand causing me to blush like a mad man! I looked up at her to see she had removed her mask and was blushing as well.

"I-I-I I am Lachlyn." I stutter. Damnit! I never stuttered anywhere else, to be honest I hardly spoke at school or in my house. Not ever since mum started dating that guy.

"Well you know my name, n-nice to meet you Lachlyn." Jade stuttered. Wait she stuttered around me! That's not exactly normal for her, she doesn't stutter unless... unless she has feelings for someone. But no that can't be right! She doesn't have feelings for me. I don't even look that good.

"Well I guess we should go." Jade said more confidently.

"Y-yes we should." I stuttered again. Come on, I hate this stuttering thing! Suddenly I felt her lips on my check. What! Woah that was... that was ecstasy. Why did she do that? Oh well I am just gonna go with it and hope it will continue.

We both walked into the throne room, I would call it more a fucking massive throne and living room. I looked at Jade as if to say 'really does it need to be this big.' She just laughed while Kitana looked at us strangely. We knew  what we were doing and Jade was blushing.

"You trespasser why are you here?!" Kitana shouted. Wow she was angry.

"Umm I-I don't exactly know." I replied slowly. Not knowing what to say at all, then I saw someone else. She didn't seem to be from here and was standing next to Sub-Zero waiting for her trial. Because of the girl I totally forgot about Subby.

Kitana sighed. "Where did you come from." Jade looked at Kitana and gave her a look. I knew that look, Jade only looks at you like that if you have done something wrong by her, and because the two are friends I guess Kitana would know that too.

"Oh I-I am from Au-Australia." I stuttered.

Then I saw something strange. The girl next to Sub-Zero urged to meet me behind the doors. I don't know why but she did and I wasn't going to waste her time.

"Jade I need to get out the doors can you please give me some sort of distraction." I whispered to her and I got the answer I was looking for, a slight nod.

Jade then walked over to Kitana and took her outside. I limp out the door still in my bandages, seeing the girl tapping her watch. She obviously noticed my bandage and used it to her advantage. Pushing me into a wall for answers but all she got a stiffled scream of pain.

"Who the hell are you!?" She yelled at me. Why did she care honestly.

"My name is Lachlyn now can I please be put down my whole ribcage and chest are hurting!" I shouted back. She let go and I stumbled over falling to the floor, hitting my head and falling unconscious as the room went from lightly coloured to a deep black in mere seconds.

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