We arrived to the ball and walked inside to the ball rom. The first thing that should come anyone's mind is the scale of the room. You could fit two white houses inside and still have room for a half of it. On the high ceilings there were chandeliers. They were made out of glass, crystals, and I think even diamonds. The room had other lights as well. They are magic orbs that only high mages can maintain properly. They create as much light as needed by user. Some can even be used to create a party atmosphere instead of the elegant one I felt walking in. Waiters and waitresses were humans. Sometimes humans who are poor tend to seek work with the pure elves. Even though pure elves are racists flicks, they pay well and there are low poverty rates. The most poor you can be within their hold is middle class. If you are poor it's because you are either a vagabond or some bad decisions were made on the path of life.

I walked as best as I could in the heels Zeckiel insisted on buying after he saw the ones I had. Before we left I informed Izzy to get a professional dress I had hanging in my closest and the only pair of heels I had. Zeckiel looked straight out of a depiction of 1800's Britain from the old world. He looks like the young rich guy in a suit. It had a black suit coat, a vest that matched my dress' color green, a white shirt, a green bow tie, and white pants that he insists are breachers. At which point I felt like slapping him because he had such a stupid grin on his face. He also had to pay a little more to make sure his wings fit properly in this get up.

Fern was dressed in black and white. Black bow tie and white shirt, then one can only imagine the rest. Fern said, "Just as I remember. I used to guard here when I first started out, before any thing with my family. Actually, I think I see an old friend. If I may be excused?"

Zeckiel nodded, "We'll be fine."

Fern let in search of his old friend. I told Zeckiel, "We should go find this seward."

Zeckiel laughed, "Oh, c'mon. We can enjoy-"

"Zeckiel." I warned.

"Brima." He mimicked.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "One hour."

He smiled and joked, "Thanks mother."


It was beginning to be the end of the hour I gave Zeckiel to have "fun." I was mostly drinking the champagne offered and sitting in the corner of the elustrist ballroom. Zeckiel was talking with some other people. He's so great with people. I spotted Fern talking with some other noble who I think might be a cousin. They act like family and laugh like friends.

A male voice at my left asked, "You are truly remarkable, m'lady. May I please ask for your name?"

I looked at him and smiled. He had puffy blonde hair and wore a profesional pure elf military uniform. He seemed some way up in rank noted by the metals on his chest. The uniform is a white and the trimming was lined with a gold material. He also had some makeup on. His brown eyes seemed old, so maybe he is hiding his age.

I nodded slightly, "Brima Fer'ka. Ambassador from republic headquarters."

"Mmm." He sounded surprised, "I knew a Fer'ka republic base in the human faction. I thought it was him I was sent a letter about."

"Him?" I asked.

"I was young at the time and so was he. Then he was sent back to his home Carthspire to serve the emperor." He smiled and laughed, "Oh, the irony. You're not related to Bafniere are you?"

By the creator that is my dad's name, "He is my father. Who are you?"

"Ah!" He smiled wide and laughed slightly, "I'm an old friend of his, Major Graff Vernniea. He's a fine man. Sure did teach you manners. How is he doing in his mid years."

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