This is Zoe's story of her adventures with sky media office members, I got the sky media x reader part from @rainbowh20,her comment was in my book ideas, here's what you need to know,
NAme: Zoe Jinowold
Age: 13
Eye color: left eye is violet and rig...
I wake up in a car. Wait I fell asleep in a chair... I look up and see Adam, OOOH he must've brought me here. I feel the car turn and see we are in the driveway of the house in one of Adams vlogs. The dauhlburg house. I pretend to be asleep again and I feel him pick me up after getting out and walks up to the door fumbling with his keys and eventually opening it. As he walks thru my head hits the doorframe.
"Shit" Adam mumbles.
"Ow...." I pretend to wake up.
"Sorry did I wake you with that head slam?" He asks and chuckles alittle.
"Yes, but I don't have trauma, I can walk thankyou" I jump out of his arms and walks to the stairs "where's my room?" I ask.
"Two doors down on the right, mason is to your left and we are across and a bathroom next to us!" He explains. (I don't think that's the actual layout of the house but I can't remember rn and I don't care to look it up. XD)
I walk up the stairs and go to the seccond door on the right and open it to see a cremè colored room with and a white sheet and comforter, I guess we go shopping soon. I look over and see a polished oak desk with a bunch of recording equipment like 2 computers, a keyboard, mouse, mic, ds, and ALOT of wires, cords, and chargers. The first thing I do is sit in the awesome spiny chair like at the offices and open up the computer and sign into watpadd (I couldn't think, don't judge xD) and as soon as I verify my account in comes Adam with Luna in her carrier!
"Oh my god I can't believe I forgot about her! Thankyou Adam!!" I hug him and take Luna and let her out to sniff the surroundings. "By the way she is house trained!" I say as Adam walks out.
"Good, I don't wanna mop up dog pee!" Adam exclaims in an awkward voice and runs away with his arms flailing.
"Hahah classic Adam" I chuckle at his craziness, wow, he's my dad now!? What an awesome thought! I let Luna sniff around more and I go back to the computer and message an awesome wattie (yes this is happening! Your welcome) band_lover-05 ! We talk for about 15 minutes and she goes to write a chapter for one of her stories and I play with Luna before I realize it's like 11:00 and I should probably sleep, but oh well. I play with Luna for another hour till I finally decide to go to bed. I bring my sketch book and a pencil with me because it helps me sleep. I start to mindlessly doodle and by the time I'm out of my daze I notice it's been three hours and on my paper there is a wolf being surrounded by mountain lions, the wolf looking helpless and scared with her pup. The wolf showing fear throughout the moonlit forest around the small clearing and pond. But there is one thing someone will never know about this drawing. If they do end up finding it they will never know who it represents. That wolf is me, the pup is Luna. We try to protect each other, I protect her, she protects me. The mountain loins are the rest of the world, terrorizing me and trying to tear me apart and make me break, find what makes me tic, destroy every part of me. But I can control myself. I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw a teardrop almost fall onto the paper but I saw it just in time, not wanting my masterpiece to be ruined. I don't know how I drew with such detail and didn't even know. All I thought I was doing was drawing meaningless spirals and lines trying to make myself tired. I cried as silent as possible. I will never cry when I'm in the open. I cry behind closed, locked doors so the world doesn't know they are getting to me, they don't know what makes me tic so they can't use it against me again. I need food. With that thought I hope nobody is up so they don't see my ugly tear stained face. I quietly tiptoe down the stairs and fiddle with my silver crescent moon necklace with the mystical looking stone I don't know the name of. (Pic below)
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I feel like there is some power to the necklace. It's honestly the most valuable thing I own. I've had it since birth as far as I know. The first time I ever opened my eyes that was the first thing I saw. It was around what I assume was my birth mother's neck. I don't remember her face, or my fathers. Just the necklace. It's sad really, but what can I do about it. By the time I'm done with that thought I realize I've just been standing in front of the fridge for five minutes. I facepalm at my absentminded stupidity. I open the fridge and look for what I call comfort food. I look around and then for some reason that have a random cucumber that will be bad by tomorrow night. I grab it as I mumble "good enough" and clean it, peel it, cut it, and salt and pepper it. I put it on a paper plate and walk back to my room silently. I close the door and stuff an oversized shirt at the bottom to block the light from going outside and turn on the light. I sit on the chair and plug in some crappy standard iPhone headphones and pull up Netflix. I pull up my favorite anime. Sword art online. This will be my third time watching it. I munch on the cucumber slices as the first episode begins.
I finish the last cucumber as the second episode ends. I'm staying here today to get to know alesa and mason. I know I'm not going to be able to sleep for long. I shut down Netflix, turn off the computer and the light, hide my sketchbook under the mattress, get under the sheets. I sit there for about five minutes till I decide to set an alarm for 10:00, alesa should be awake by then, and softly play a playlist of red, bvb, p!atd, ptx, fir, ab, rja, evanescence, and a few others and after that I'm asleep within 2 minutes.