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Niall is still fourteen and Louis is sixteen.

"Daddy, can Lou spend the night tonight?" Niall asks, walking into the kitchen where Liam is looking for an after work snack.

Liam looks up from where his head is stuffed in the fridge. He's trying to find something that isn't yogurt or a vegetable because, dammit Harry, he wants chocolate or something fattening. "Sure, babe. Did you ask papa?"

"Yes, he said to ask you. He also said to order pizza because he doesn't feel like cooking."

"'Course he doesn't," Liam mumbles under his breath. "Where are they? Are Prez and Noah with him?"

"They're in the backyard. Pretzel got bubbles at school today so she and Noah are playing with them."

"Okay, baby. How is Louis getting here?" Liam starts to head out to the back yard, signaling Niall to follow him.

"Uncle Zayn and Uncle Marcie are letting him drive his car all by himself!" Niall beams because ohmygoshmyboyfriendhashisowncar.

"He can't drive yet." Liam turns around and raises his eyebrow because, hello, it's illegal for him to drive by himself.

Niall shrugs and keeps walking, taking a seat next to Harry on the grass. "They're letting him drive anyway."

Liam takes a seat on the opposite side of his husband and wraps his arms around him. "Hi, baby. How was your day?" He kisses Harry's forehead and then his lips when the younger looks up.

"It was fine. How was yours?" Harry moves to sit between Liam's legs, his back leaning against his husband's broad chest.

"It was alright," Liam says through a yawn. "I missed my babies, though." He reaches over and grabs Niall, pulling him into his side, and wraps an arm around his oldest son. The action makes his other two children look up from where they're playing in the sandbox.

"Daddy!" Presley shouts, running over to Liam, and Noah soon does the same, waddling after his big sister.

"Hi my lovelies. Did you two have a good day?" Liam wraps his arms around them as best he can with Harry between his legs.

"Yes, Daddy! I got bubbles at school and I got a one hundred on a spelling test!" Presley beams at her daddy, jumping up and down as she explains her day to him.

"Oh, my baby girl is so smart!" Liam grabs her and blows a raspberry on her cheek. He starts tickling her, her body goes pliant against his as she emerges into a fit of giggles.

"Daddy stop!" Liam does and let's go of her as she calms down.

"And how about my baby boy?" Liam grabs Noah next from where he's been silently sitting in the grass.

"I good, Dada. Play wi' Papa 'n LuLu," Noah gives Liam a toothy grin and slaps a wet kiss on his cheek.

"Oh yeah? Did NiNi tell you that LouLou is coming over?" Liam grabs Noah by the waist and the rest of the family turns to watch. Louis is Noah's favorite person in the world and the whole family thinks it's just adorable how close they are. Even Niall, who sometimes gets jealous, but he has his Pretzel, who he's been extremely close to since she was born. Plus, he loves seeing Louis with kids so he supposes it's alright.

"LouLou come?! NiNi, LouLou come?!" Noah turns to look at his big brother and squeals when he nods his head. "Love LouLou, Dada! He play blocks wi' me!"

"I know, babe! How about we go take a bath so you can be all clean for LouLou?" When Noah agrees, the two of them head back into the house, leaving Niall, Harry and Presley.

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