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"Hey, this is Louis. Sorry I couldn't get to your call, I was probably just ignoring it-Louis!" Niall smiles as he hears himself scold Louis on the older boy's voicemail.

He hangs up his phone, not bothering to leave another message. He's left four today already, not counting the ones from yesterday and the day before. He sighs and sits back in his bed. He opens his and Louis' texts, hoping he'll respond to that instead.

Niall knows it's useless. Louis has been ignoring him for the past three days and he's really starting to freak out. He doesn't know if something has happened or if Louis is mad at him or what, but he's almost lost his mind.

He's been thinking that Louis used him for sex, and now that he got it, he doesn't want to be with Niall anymore. But Niall knows that that's crazy because they've been together since they were kids, surely Louis couldn't have been waiting for sex for that long.

And besides, after they had sex for the first time, Louis promised Niall that things wouldn't change between them. Oh, but they have.

Niall gets up from his bed and goes downstairs. He goes into the kitchen where Harry is and sits on the stool at the bar, thinking that maybe his Papa will help him.

"Papa," Niall mumbles, his chin resting on this hand, "I'm upset."

"What's up, buttercup?" Harry turns to face Niall, a smile on his face but Niall can tell that something is wrong.

"Louis has been ignoring me for, like, three days. It's making me really sad..."

"Oh, baby. I'm sure that Louis is just upset. It's understandable for him to be distant, and maybe he's a little busy trying to take care of Uncle Marcie and Lotts," Harry tells him, placing his hand over Niall's.

"What are you talking about? What does he have to be upset about? Did something happen?" Niall sits up straighter, because, well, what?

Harry makes a face and steps back. "Did he not tell you?"

"Tell me what?!"

"Uncle Marcie and Uncle Zayn are getting a divorce..."

Niall feels like he's been punched in the gut. How could Louis not have told him?

I mean sure, Zayn was a really awesome uncle back when Niall was a kid but he's kind of become a dick. And of course he's heard Louis go on and on about how much of an asshole his dad is. And he's also seen the bruises on Marcel, but only a few times. And there have also been a few times that Louis and Lottie had to stay over because of the fighting.

But a divorce? Things haven't been bad in about a year. Louis stopped complaining and Marcel started smiling again and Zayn wasn't really there. But things were better, and Louis never said anything about them being bad again.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Niall shouts, standing up. Yeah, his boyfriend didn't tell him but his dads have known about this, too. He gets a little dizzy when he stands up, his stomach churning from the fast movement. He lets it past though.

"We just figured that Louis told you. Why didn't he tell you?" Harry feels awful. His son didn't know that his own boyfriend's parents are getting divorced and he's been freaking out that he doesn't want him anymore.

"I don't know... I have to go, I'll be back." Niall grabs his jacket and walks out the back door. Louis' house is only a few streets over, he just has to walk through a few peoples' yards to get there.

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