8: part 2

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*Demi's POV*

I closed the truck. "There" I said. Selena smiled at me. "Thanks demi you didn't have to" Selena said. "It's fine babe" I said and wrapped my arms around her waist. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. "How did she take it?" she asked. "She took it great actually she can't wait to see you again" I said. "How did Lauren take it?" I asked. "Umm not so well but she'll get over it" she said. I nodded but I couldn't help the sad expression that crossed my face. "hey no don't be sad I promise she'll get over it she's just stubborn but once she gets to see how amazing you are I'm sure she'll love you" she said stroking my cheek. I smiled and kissed her hand. "Mom!" Lauren yelled walking up to were we were. I unwrapped my arms from her waist and she unwrapped her arms from my neck. "Yeah?" sel asked. "I'm going out with keat" she said. "Why didn't I know of this earlier?" Selena asked. "I don't know because" Lauren said and shrugged. "Fine you can go be at the address I'll send you on your phone before dinner" she said. Lauren nodded and walked into a car with a boy her age in the car Keaton I guess. "Babe lets go" Selena said grabbing my hand. We got in her car and drove home.


*camilas POV*

"OMG you love nemo too!" I squealed. My mom rolled her eyes and Selena nodded her head eagerly. "My mom hates watching nemo with me finally someone understands" I said. "Exactly Lauren hates it too" Selena said. "Speaking of Lauren she should be here" Selena said and pulled out her phone. She dialed a number. "Lauren Mitchelle Bieber-Gomez , where are?...no...I said no...Lauren stop... Okay...no now...okay I'll see you" Selena hung up and sighted.


The doorbell rang Selena and my mom where in the room. I got up from the couch and opened the door. There stood the most beautiful girl my eyes have seen she had green/blue eyes with long dark wavy hair. "hi" I said. "hello is my mom in here?" she asked. "Oh you must be Lauren come in" I said steeping aside. She walked in "hi I'm camila" I said extending my hand. She looked down at it but didn't shake it. "Okay then" I said putting my hand down. My mom and Selena walked down the stairs hand in hand. We all sat down around the living room. "okay Lauren your new room is getting some new adjustments so you'll be sleeping with Camila today" Selena said which caught both mine and Lauren's attention. "Mom your kidding right?" Lauren exclaimed. Selena sighted "Lauren it's just for a couple of days" Selena said. Lauren groaned and crossed her arms over her chest. 'What a brat' I thought. "Okay now girls it's getting late so let's head off to bed" my mom said. I nodded and kissed her cheek. "Night mom" I said. "Night baby" she said and kissed my forehead. I went up go my room and changed into my pjs. I grabbed a book and started reading. Until...

"Okay look here lady I have three rules you need to follow" Lauren said as she barged into my room.

"Número uno don't speak to me unless I speak to you

Número dos stay on your side

Número tres try not to breathe the Same air as me comprende?" I nodded. "I can't believe I'm going to have to deal with you and your so called mother"

"Okay now you listen to me you can talk about me all you want but do not talk about my mother unless it's to say nice things. Now, I can not believe Someone so humble and sweet as Selena can give birth to such a bratty, and snobby person" I paused. "My mother is all I have so I suggest you choose your words wisely while speaking about her" I said. "I guess someone has balls" she said. I smirked and laid in bed.

*Laurens POV*

Okay this girl went from cute to smoking hot in matter of two minutes. Camila started breathing heavily, then she started shaking and sweating. "Don't hurt her. Daddy please!" she screamed. I shook her "camila" I said shaking her. She woke up and sat up instantly breathing hard. She started crying. I didn't know what to do so I just stroked her arm. She wouldn't stop crying so I pulled her in for a hug I was hesitant at first but then gave in. She dug her head on the crook oh my neck. I stroked her back as her breathe soon evened. We just sat there, in silence. "What did you dream about?" I asked breaking the silence. "My father" she said looking around her room avoiding eye contact. "I don't want to talk about it" she said. I nodded "well, my father doesn't speak to me, I actually haven't spoken to him in six months now. He sometimes hangs with me but it isn't often. I was actually glad when my parents divorced because it was constant fighting" I said. I don't know why I just said all of that but I guess I just feel so comfortable around her. "M-my father used to beat my mom... I saw it sometimes I didn't understand back then but now I do. We still talk and he's an okay Father but he is a horrible husband. We actually just went on a trip to Paris although he spend most of trip working I appreciate the time he tries to spend with me. But I get nightmares, he beat her badly my mom just didn't want to leave him, but they finally got divorced and she met sel. I actually knew sel before and I knew they had a thing for each other" she said with tears streaming down her cheeks. I wiped her tears "okay let's makes promise, we try and keep our mothers happy together. Let's try and all be a family" I said. She nodded "I like the sound of that" she said and smiled.

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