42: (camren)

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"I'm home" I breathed as I walked inside my home. I heard baby cries from a distance. "oh god hi" Camila said in a stressed tone. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Timothy has been crying and I'm trying to make you dinner I haven't finished because I had to make him bottle and I just finished making it" she explained.

"Hey wow okay first relax" I instructed as I pulled her into my embrace. She sighed contently against my chest. "Second you don't have to make me dinner every night. Let's just order some Chinese take out today and I'll go feed Tim" I kissed her forehead and took the bottle from the counter before heading out to the living room where Tim laid in his crib crying.

"Okay you're giving mommy a hard time so it's time for mama to step in" I picked him up in my arms and then placed him in a comfortable position before placing the bottle in his mouth.

I smiled contently as I stared at his ocean blue eyes. "Babe you didn't remove your uniform" My wife informed me. "Oh sorry" I apologized looking down at my belt where my gun was. She walked over to me and in one swift movement removed it. "I'll go get you some sweats and a t-shirt" she informed me before hurrying up the steps.

"Your mommy is really stressed right now. So I'm going to put you on your crib, be good okay?" I walked up the steps with Tim still in my arms, then I walked into his room. I smiled at the walls full of color. With a content smile I placed him in his crib, I was happy to see he'd fallen asleep already, I placed his favorite blanket over him and kissed him one last time before exiting his room.

I walked to me and Camila's room; I found Camila looking through my drawers. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and kissed her neck. I placed both my hands on her shoulders and started to rub her neck and shoulders. "Oh god that feels so good" she moaned. "you feel good" I mumbled in her ear. "No Tim is- sleeping" I cut her off and proceeded to kiss down her neck.

"Babe" she said in a shaking tone. "Yes baby" I said murmured near her ear and started to nibble on her sweet spot. She turned around in my arms and connected our lips instantly. She proceeded to jump in my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist and my hands landed on her ass for support. But we never broke the kiss.

I placed her against the wall and started to unbutton her shirt. After removing her shirt I pulled her tank top off and my lips instantly connected with her neck down her collarbone.

I walked us to bed and laid her down. I hovered over her with with a smirk on my face. "You're so damn sexy" I breathed before leaning back down and connected our lips again. I pulled away and started to kiss down her stomach until I reached jeans I started to unbutton them. When I successfully did so I pulled them off.

I bit my lip at the sight of her damp panties. I started to kiss her stomach again and then proceeded to kiss along her pantie line.

"Don't be a tease" she groaned. She groaned again when the doorbell rang and Timothy started to cry again.

"Fuck" she cried and propped herself up on her elbows to find an amused look on my face. "I need a break".

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