13 (Delena)

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*Demi's POV*

I was waiting for Selena to come out of class but I looked to my left to see Justin standing there jealousy built up in my body. Selena walked out and her face lit up "Dems!" she said and ran to my arms. I smiled and hugged her for a long time. "Hi selly" I said. We pulled away "Can you come over after school?" she asked with puppy eyes. I nodded "of course cutie" I said. "yay okay se-" she got cut off by Justin "babe I'm here too" "Oh jay hi hold on I'm talking to Demi" she said. I smiled as she looked back at me. "So yeah see you after school" she said and kissed my cheek. "Ohhh Mr. Steal yo girl" Joe said walking up to us. "Shut up joe" Justin said. "No you shut up" Joe said and they started to play push each other. Sometimes I think these two secretly fuck each other. "Okay guys stop and joe move your ass to ELA" I said. They stopped Justin grabbed Selena's hand and they walked away. I started walking with Joe to ELA. "Babe I was thinking after school we could-" I cut him off "can't I have to do something with selly" I said. "Awe okay" he said.

-After school -

*Selena's POV*

"No Demi I like my lock screen this way" I whined. "Sel it's freaking unicorns" She said. "So" I said. "So I'm changing it" she said. I sighed not fighting back. She handed me back my phone, I looked at the lock screen it was a picture of Demi kissing my cheek. I smiled and placed It in my back pocket. "I like it" I said. "Yeah?" she asked I nodded. " I like you" she said coming closer to me our lips only inches apart. "I like you too" I said with a smile. "No you don't understand I like like you" she said looking into my eyes. "I....I...I" I stuttered. She connected our lips I was shocked at first but kissed her back I felt something I've never felt before. I wrapped my arms around her neck to deepen the kiss as her arms wrapped around my waist I never wanted this moment to end. She pulled me on top of her never breaking the kiss I was on her waist. The kiss got heated and turned into a make out session. I pulled away fast after realization hit me. I tried to speak but words couldn't come out. "I should...just go" Demi said getting up from bed and walking out the door. What just happened?! I grabbed my phone and texted Justin.

To: Jay :)

Hi J we need to talk.

From: Jay :)

Okay... Come over my parents aren't home. We could have some play time ;)

To: Jay :)

Okay and don't get any ideas mister.

I grabbed my hoodie and walked to the door. "And where are you going?" My mom asked. "To Justin's be back later" I said. "Be here before 10" my mom said I nodded and walked out the door.


"With who? who was the fucking punk!" he yelled furious.

"Jay that's not important" I said.

"Fuck you. You slut, I fucking hate you, you fat whore. Worthless piece of shit!" he screamed and slapped me. I stood there I just froze. I deserved this it's true it's all true.

" I'm sorry" I said.

"Well sorry isn't going to cut it" he said. "Okay lets do this, we are going to pretend you never cheated and we'll go back to being the cute most popular couple okay?" he asked more like stated. I nodded. "Good okay baby" he said and pecked my lips. "You can go now" he said. I got up and walked out the house.

*Demi's POV*

-The next day-

I waited for Selena as usual outside of school. She walked out and our eyes connected this is actually the first time our eyes have connected since yesterday at her house. I gave her a weak smile that she returned. She walked up to me.

"Hey Lena" I said. "Hi" she said. "I was wondering if you'd like to...come over" I said. "Ye-" she got cut off by a car who parked next to us. They rolled down the window and it was Justin. "Get in" he said. "No, I was actually going to Demi's" Selena said. "Did you not hear me I said GET IN" he said through gritted teeth and a raised eyebrow.

"And she said no" I said raising my eyebrow. He got out the car and grabbed Selena's arm. "Justin you're hurting me" She said. I pushed him making him let go of Selena's arm. "What the hell is your problem" I said. "No Demi it's fine I'll text you" Selena said and got in Justin's car. He stared at me as he got in his car. I glared at him. He drove away. I sighed getting in my car and driving to my house. Once I got there I went up to my room and did my homework. When I was done I got a text from Joe.

Joe :P-

Hey Demi I don't know how to say this but we need to like break up.

To Joe :p -

Okay it's cool Ik I saw it coming we're just better off friends. We practically weren't dating anyway we just needed to state it.

From: joe :P

Yeah! Thanks for being so cool okay I gtg


After my conversation with Joe I took a nap. I woke up and checked my phone Selena hadn't texted me I sighed. I heard sobs from outside as I opened my window. The sound was coming from next door and next door lived Selena her room was next to me. I quickly put my shoes on and walked to her house. I knocked on the door and Selena's mom greeted me. "Hey demi" she said. "Hey...I'm looking for Lena" I said. "yeah she's in her room go ahead" she said. I nodded and walked up to her room. Her door was unlocked so I walked in. She had her head on her hands and her arms being supported by her knees. I sat down next to her placing one hand on her back. "Sel?" I said. "selly don't cry what's wrong?" I asked. She looked up, she had one black eye. I brought my hand up to her cheek. "Who did this? I'm going to kill that son of a bitch" I said. She shook her head "don't demi" she said. "What happened sel?" I asked. She placed her head on my chest I wrapped my arms around her rubbing her arm as she began to cry again. "Hey it's okay" I said. She sniffed and looked up. "It's not going to be okay" she said. "It is okay I'm here no one is going to hurt you when I'm here" I said. "I was the one that cheated Demi I deserve this. It's true I am ugly, fat, a slut and ,worthless" she said.

"No Lena don't say that" I said grabbing her hand. "Come here I want to show you something" I said. We stood up and walked to a mirror. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and placed my chin on her shoulder.

"You're the most beautifulest person I've ever laid eyes on. I consider myself so lucky to have you in my life. Ugly? ugly and Selena are complete antonyms you're the opposite of Ugly you're so beautiful" I said.

"My personal favorite your chubby cheeks they're so kissable" I said and kissed her cheek.

"And I love your cute little nose the way you scrunch it up so cutely" I said kissing her nose.

"I love your eyes even though one is black right now they still look beautiful and I love staring into them they make my heart skip a beat" I said kissing her temple.

"Your lips..I'd kiss them all day everyday. You wouldn't believe how many time I've had to contain myself from just kissing them" I said which made her giggle. I grabbed the bottom of her shirt looking up at her for permission, she nodded. I pulled it up.

"How could that dumbass say you're fat is he blind? you have a perfectly flat stomach" I said and kissed her belly button. I pulled her shirt down and grabbed her hands.

"And lastly you're not worthless it's Crazy the impact you have in my life. You mean the world to me, I can't see a flaw, you're perfect" I said. She smiled

"thank you demi you're the sweetest person ever and you make me feel beautiful" she said. I smiled and looked down. "I should probably head home no-" I got cut off my soft warm lips on mine, I kissed back. I felt a million fireworks burst inside of me. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck. And in that moment I knew everything was going to be alright.

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