Chapter 2

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Simon's POV:

It was her from the coffee shop it was her with the big green, loving eyes that I fell in love with. I got nervous but I wanted to go talk too her. She looked at me with a small smile I froze with my eyes just following her to the entrance to the club my mate Mark who was with me saw me looking at her and nudged me so I fell off my seat "owww" what was that for u dickhead?! She must have seen me fall because she was giggling too herself. My mates were talking getting drunk and I needed the bathroom..... As I was walking to the door a woman came out of now we're and I kind of spilt her drink down herself "OMG I'm so sorry OMG let me help u" I carefully whipped down her top not realising what I was doing she looked up to me and at the same time I looked up 2 her she had a smile on her face "thank you for that ur a good man" she said softly in her cocky ascent I didn't know what I was doing I was still whipping her top like a wierdo , she giggled and then I was snapped out of my daydream by her saying "why don't u take me out for lunch to pay for my top that u just poured alcohol down 😊" she said looking me in the eye "oh um.... Yes that would be great".

I left for the bathroom and did my business a few hours pasted and I could see her again with her friend completely drunk a ran up to them holding them so they don't fall "hey u too are not driving home like this!" Why can't and what else are we supposed to do!" Her friend said drunk off her head then I realised I've only had a pint of beer o could drive them "I'm taking u home" I said. We all stumbled into my car and I started to drive "so what are u beautiful names?" I asked with my eyes on the road "well I'm Laura" and then she passed out in the back seat😂 "I'm Adele I'm sorry about her she's about crazy after a few" she said softly "I'm Simon " she was looking at me like she was a little girl getting to ride a pony for the first time.

We reached Adeles house she started to get out but I ran to the other side picking her up bridal style to her front door she unlocked it and went in while I went back for Laura, I laid Laura Down on her couch in Adeles living room and I got ready to leave Adele showed me to the door an I stepped out "so dose 2 o'clock sound fine "yes it dose I'll see u then thank you for the ride"  "ok no problem I'll see u soon" I was still standing on her door step when she reached up and gave me a kiss on the cheek my heart melted into a puddle she smiled and closed the door

I went home and got into bed al, I could do was think about her soft lips against my cheek and thinking about her eyes that sparkled in the moon light I slowly fell asleep all night I didn't stop thinking of this woman that might change my life.

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