We need u simon

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Simons POV:

Soon enough Laura was at the door ready to go she gave Angelo a quick cuddle then I said bye to Hayley I gave her a massive hug and a kiss in her forehead it seemed like she needed it. They both left and it was just me and Angelo I decided to go on a stroll around the nearby park just around the corner I carefully placed him in his stroller and headed out the door thank god it was a nice day. After a few hours of walked I began to get tied and Angelo was asleep we walked home when I got a call from the hospital my heart began to bump out of my chest
S:h-hello is everything okay?"
Docter: we need u to come to the hospital now"
S: um.. Okay I'm on my way why though"
D: I think u should just come see for urself"
S: oh okay I'll be there soon"
I hung up and jumped into the car I bucked Angelo in and speeded to the hospital but not over the limit because that would be crazy. I eventually found a parking space witch I thought took for hours. I got Angelo and walked into the hospital he was in his little car seat sound asleep. 'He such a good little boy' I thought to myself carrying him into the hospital. I docter soon recognised me and tock me straight to the room were Adele is "before u go in she is still a bit tired but she's awake" he said "wait she's awake!!" I said like a little girl "indeed she is" he said smiling looking at Angelos cute little face "do u want me to hold him while u go in "yes please! But bring him in when he is awake please!" I said handing him over. I ran into the room like a girl because I was too exited to see my princesses awake.and there she was sitting up in her bed with her blonde hair by her shoulders and her perfect little smile. She started to laugh OMG  home much have I missed that laugh "are u exited Simon" she said laughing "very my little princesses" I said walking up to her. I have her a kiss witch then lead to a longer kiss it turned passionate and loving I brushed my fingers through her hair like I do everyday when I see her. "I missed this so much babes" I said between kisses "me too" I said back I started to kiss he neck he head fell backwards so I carried on because she loved it my other hand explored her body. A knock on the door made me shoot up it was the docter "he's awake" he said "ok can u bring him I  please!" I said he came back in holding our little peanut "hey baby boy" she said reaching her hands out the docter placed Angelo in Adeles arm. He was wide awake his green eye slowly started to open he smiled a little. Adele gently stroked his face making him feel comfortable she gave him a kiss on his forehead and gently rocked him. There was another knock on the door by the time it burst open I knew who it was it was Heyley and Laura Adele pasted me Angelo she Hayley could fun into her arms. "Mummy I missed u" she said jumping on the bed giving Adele the biggest squeeze hug "I missed u too beautiful" she said rubbing he back "and I love the pictures u showed me" she said Heyleys faces looks confused "how did u know I was showing u photos?" She asked really confused now "I'll tell u later but right now I'm glad I'm with u" she said "me too mummy" she said not letting go of Adele

Adeles POV:

"hey donut looks like ur awake huh?" Laura said coming to sit beside me "haha yeh I guess I am" I said holding her hand Laura whipped a tear from her eyes
"oh lau it's okay I'm here now" I said whipping the rest of the tears away "
oh delly I know that it's just Heyleys been very sad lately" Laura whispered into my ear "hey Heyley why don't u go look after ur brother for a minute with u dad" I said
"okay mummy" she said jumping off the bed going to joins Simon
"why has she been sad" I asked
"well last night she called me because she couldn't sleep and that night Simon and Heyley were looking at schools" Laura said
"oh so u think she dosnt want to go back to school" I said sad
"well yeh but don't u remember she got beaten up by the other kids" Laura  said
"well yeh but that was at her old scho.... Oh wait maybe she's going back to that school" i said a bit loud I gave Heyley a quick smile
"bingo" Laura said
"is there anyway we can change schools" I said lifting up my head
"I'm afraid not in till she older" Laura said putting her hair behind her ear. Right now I feel so bad for Heyley I don't want her going back to that school I'm scared for her! She's my daughter now and I need to protect her.once I'm out of this hospital I'm going to the school and sorting things out I can't have my child scared to go to school everyday and I can't do anything about it.

Simon POV:

Adele told us to come back over we were all sat around her bed I laid Angelo in her arm once again I'm so glad we're a whole family again. I sorted a family vacation once Adele is out of hospital were going to Australia for 2 weeks I hope we will all enjoy it. But I'm going to tell her when we're alone and then we can tell everyone else, "dose anyone need anything from the vending machines?" I asked
"No thnx" everyone said so I made my way to the vending machine to get a pack of crisps. I walked down a hallway and then round the corner I saw a man at the vending machine so I waited behind him. I put my hand into my back pocket to pull out some change. I had £1 left, the man turned around and put a piece of paper into my pocket I gave him a funny look as he walked down the hallway he was going towards Adeles room I quickly pulled out the pieces of paper out a it read

Did u miss me
- Alex xx

I dropped everything and ran to Adeles room I saw Heyley running to me down the hall she was crying again "darlin what happened" I said picking her up "daddy daddy mummy needs...."

Quick chapter sorry it tock Agnes but yeh here ya go
Some reason I think I need to make it more happier this story or should I keep going like this?? Comment and vote for me to carry on else I won't 🤗
Haha I brought Alex back 😛🤗😏

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