Watch out

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Adele's POV:

I looked at him with fear in my eyes he knew exactly why! I managed to climb out of the car trying to escape his presents. He came up to help me out I don't understand why he helped me out , as soon as the ambulance came for me the second time this week 🚑 I told them I was fine but they said I wasn't I walked across the road to the restraunt across from where my mum was waiting .someone one was watching me while I walked over there it was him. I sat  down and greeted my mum with a huge hug. I sat down and orders, that man walked in looking around I coverd my face a little so he didn't recognise me but he ended up standing right in front of me and my mum, "Adele u need to go to the hospital now U have hurt urself" he said "go away father I'm fine" I said "Adele what is ur father on about?" She said looking me in my eyes "mum it's nothing mark please! Go away ur not welcome to be here talking to me" "ADELE GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW" he said "I'm not ur child anymore" "ADELE WHAT IS UR FATHER ON ABOUT?"she said still looking me in the eye "mum I crashed my car into a shop but I'm fine I don't need to go to" I started to mumble my words "Adele are u ok!" My mum said looking at me "yeh yeh I'm fine why? I'm going to call Simon to pick me up ok" i sat up and walk out wondering what they meant by asking me if I was fine. I picked up my phone a dialled Simons number in
Few min later:
Simon was here I gave my mum a hug goodbye "I'm sorry for ruining ur night I love u I'll see u soon" I said looking at her "ok darlin take care" I went to the car and hoped in Simon greeted me with a kiss "hey babe are u ok?" While interlocking out hands "yeh I'm fine lets ok" Simon started to drive. I felt my eyes getting heaver and heaver.....

Adele The unthinkable {Adele fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now