Leaving me again

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Adeles POV:
3 months later

Fuck the hormones and emotions are kicking in and it must be living hell being with me "Simon I don't want to eat that" my voice was getting louder "why not stop been difficult Adele u have never acted like this and it's freaking me out just eat ur pasta please! Adele sit down" he was getting angry. I know I'm a bitch sometimes but this is me coming out "SIMON I don't want to eat that don't u understand" I was shouting at this point " Adele calm down I can't deal with u right now just please! Eat something that isn't just chicken nuggets" I walked into the living room and he followed I sat down in a huff it was silent he walked out of the room with his head in his hands I Hurd the front door shut "shit I've done it this time WHY THE FUCK AM I SUCH A BITCH" I was angry at myself I know I've done this to myself. My phone beeped it was Simon

Hey I left because I could not handle u I didn't know what to do I'm leaving because I think u need to calm down and we need some time to think alone I know ur pregnant and all of ur feelings are everywhere
Just eat something please!
X ~Simon ❤️

My heart sunk, I didn't know what to do I felt nothing this is going to be hard I thought to myself

Simons POV:

I drove to a hotel just around the corner I tear rolled down my cheek I didn't want to leave her but I knew it was for the best I got out of my car and headed to the reception I got a room it was an old building like really old, so it wasn't the best Of place I could have come I laid down wound wrong what Adele is doing right now so I decided to text her and explain to her about why I left as soon as I finished she sent one back

Baby I'm so sorry I understand but please! Come back i can't bare been away from u. U know how stupid I am please! Come back I beg u I'm sorry for everything, everything is my fault please! I need u, we need u
~Adele ❤️

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck what have I done I need to get to her before she dose anything

I arrive back home "Adele ADELE WERE ARE U" I bet scared I could not find her I ran to our room I find her curled up in a ball in the corner on our bathroom with is joined to our room "Adele baby are u ok" I walk 2 her slowly.she looks up slowly to see who I am. She shot up and ran to me "oh my Simon u came back please! Don't leave me ever again" she flung her arms around me. I could not help but notice a few small cuts on her left arm "baby this is not ur fault please! It's mine I take everything back I'm so stupid I need u here when u left everything came back to me I need u Simon please!" She was socking in tears "this is my fault why did u do this I promise I'm not leaving u ever again please! Don't do it again" my eye began to tear up she new what I was talking about she broke the hug and pulled her sleeve down while looking at the floor "I'm sorry" she said crying

There might be some mistakes but it late at night and I'm tired so 😘😚lysm

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