Chapter Two: 3-2-1 Liftoff

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Tuesday night I looked around my room. It looked no different than before and for some reason that reassured me. I knew I would come back to my room looking just like that. Cheesy, I know, but still.

I glanced at my matching pair of pink suitcases and sighed. I was not looking forward to this visit. I hopped into my queen size bed and clapped my hands to turn my lights out.

I couldn't fall asleep so I thought through my whole day. It had been a half day at school since it was the last day but it had felt really long.

First we had an assembly for awards and all that boring stuff. Then we got our yearbooks and we had others sign them. Finally after lunch we had been dismissed.

The other part of the day I didn't want to remember was as I was pulling out of the parking lot. Zach, my supposed to be boyfriend was making out with a blonde witch named Chloe who was my total archnemisis. Later, when I asked about it he just said he was done. Done with me, done with "us".

So basically my day sucked, and knowing I was being shipped off to the middle of nowhere in Arizona the next day didn't make it any better.

I closed my eyes and the next thing I know, my alarm clock was blaring at six in the morning. I slapped the turn off button and sat up and rubbed my brown eyes.

I hopped into the shower real quick then got dressed in jean shorts and a well fitting baby blue Areopostale shirt that flattered my figure. I threw on a pair of silver flip flops and headed downstairs to the breakfast nook.

I grabbed an apple and ate it, along with a glass of water. My mom came down wearing black dress pants and a mint green dress shirt. She was dropping me off at LAX then heading to work from there. She grabbed a bagel, cooked it, then spread cream cheese on it before eating it.

"Ready?" She questioned me.

"No!" I replied. "I can't believe you are doing this to me!"

"Now, you know it is the best thing for you. Who knows, you might like it."

I glared at her, "I will never like it."

"Never say never," my mom shrugged. "Martin!" She yelled, calling our butler. "Can you grab Kennedy's bags and take them to my car? Thank you!"

"Yes ma'am," he replied, making his way to my bedroom.

Before long, we were cruising along in my mom's black Chevy Impala toward the airport.

When we got there, she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before waving goodbye. I hurried into the main building where I got my tickets at the front desk.

"Your flight was held up due to bad weather so you have a thirty minute delay," the girl at the front desk said.

"Thank you." I decided I wanted to go to the bathroom before I got on the plane. I took my suitcases in with me and I left them by the door. I was not risking all my expensive clothes getting stolen.

After I washed my hands, I stepped out of the bathroom and promptly smacked into something- or someone- hard.

"Omph," the mysterious someone said, stepping back a step. Their hand reached out and grabbed my arm, trying to steady me.

"Watch where you are going!" I snapped. "I-" I stopped talking as I looked into the boldest blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Whatever, you know you did that on purpose." He said.

"Wh-what!?" I sputtered.

"Yep," he nodded. "You did it just so you could touch this." He motioned down at his body.

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