Chapter Three: On The Road Again

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I rolled over and opened my eyes, sitting up. I stretched and yawned, thinking back to what had happened after we left the airport. I had hopped into the front seat of Charlie's truck sitting outside waiting for us and Luke hopped in the backseat. Charlie had loaded our bags in the back.




"So how long will it take us to get to the ranch?" I asked, pulling down the visor above me to fix my makeup. I squealed a little as a bunch of dust came falling down from the visor.

Luke laughed, "Are spoiled city girls scared of dust? Well then sweetheart, you've come to the wrong place."

I turned around and glared at him before looking back at Charlie. He was trying not to laugh. When he saw me looking at him he answered me, "Oh, 'bout an hour and a half and we should about be there."

"Seriously! Where is everything around here!?"

"Well town is about forty minutes but there ain't much there. Otherwise, the closest places are all over an hour away," Charlie explained.

"What do you do all day?" I looked back to the mirror and finished touching up my makeup.

"There's plenty to do. We fix fence, muck stalls, herd cows..."

"Flirt with barrel racing chicks," Luke finished for Charlie.

"Ew! That's gross!" I squealed.

"Really? What do you rich girls do at the mall? Rate guys and make a game out of flirting with them and getting their numbers."

"Wh-" I started to speak.

He reached forward to the front and put his hand over my mouth, "No. Don't deny it. It's true. I've been to the city, I know."

I pulled his nasty hand off my mouth, "That is so not true. We do so much more than look at guys."

He gave me a disbelieving look. "Like what?"

"Umm, things. Important things. Things like..." I trailed off.

"Exactly!" He said triumphly. "You don't do anything else."

"We do so! We shop!" I protested.

"Shop my butt! Maybe for like an hour but not after that!"

"Whatever!" I glared at him before turning to look out the window for the rest of the ride.




I must have ended up falling asleep because before I knew it I was bouncing up and down as fresh air ran across my face. I opened my eyes and yawned. "OMG! Where am I?" I struggled to sit up as I realized there was a pair of arms around me. They arms tightened their grip and I realized I was being carried- bridal style- towards a neat white farm house.

"You're here, Kennedy. Your dad is waiting inside for you." I hear a deep voice behind me. I position myself so I can see who it is.

"Luke! Put me down right now! I am perfectly able to walk on my own!"

Luke laughed, "Not yet babe. Let me get you inside first. And you never know, a girl like you might break a heel out here."

"You are the most-"

"Awesome, generous, and greatest person alive, not to mention so hot?" Luke finished my sentence for me.

"Now quite the words I were thinking of. I was going more with along the lines of stupidest, asinine, piggish, and not to mention ugly," I retorted.

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