Chapter 31

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Niall's POV

It has been two weeks and I haven't seen Emily again. I was hoping that maybe she would come with Harry, but she hasn't.

The boys and I have been with each other almost all week. We have been rehearsing like crazy. Last Saturday was our big band meeting again where we all went out to Nandos (my favorite place) to discuss some more band stuff.

The guys are all pretty cool but Harry seems kind of edgy with me. I just shove it off and pretend like I don't notice.

When I'm not with the boys or anything band related, I think of Emily.

It's unbelievable. I have only met her once and she already has me sucked under her spell.

Tomorrow, we have to go to the judges house. We found out yesterday that we have Simon.

We are going to sing Torn. We all really like the song and our vocals go well with it too.

I just hope we do well in front of Simon and that our nerves don't get in the way of our performance.

Emily's POV




That's the only word in my mind right now. I grabbed his jacket of the chair next to my bed. I 'forgot' to give it back to him, if you know what I mean. It smelt just like him. I know it sounds creepy but it's true.

I jumped a little when my phone went off.

I picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked. I didn't know who it was because I didn't pay attention to the ID caller.

"Hey! It's Harry!" His british accent ran through the phone.

"Oh! Hey Harry!" I said caught off guard.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"What? Nothing! Why?" I asked confused.

"You kinda sounded weird when we first started talking."

"Oh well I was shocked you called me. Anyway, what's up?"

"Oh um yeah! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the rehearsal today?"

"Oh! Ummm sure. What time?"

"Haha ummm right now!"

"Harry!! I'm still in my pajamas! You know girls take forever to get ready!"

"Well you already said yes and I am already on my way! See you in 10!" He said then hung up.

Oh the things I do for this boy!

I got up and grabbed some random pants out of the closet and threw them on. I put my hair in a bun and brushed my teeth. I went to do my make-up and put on a shirt (I was just in my bra), when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!!" I didn't really care. It was just Harry. Suddenly, I heard multiple voices. "Harry?"

"Where are you?" He asked.

"In the bathroom. You can come on back." Maybe I was just hearing things.

I saw the curly haired boy come in, then another boy, and another, and another, and finally the last boy.


"Oh shit!" Harry said. While the other four boys laughed except for Louis.

"Your middle name is Edward? Hm, never heard of that one before." I giggled. Oh Louis! I got my serious face back on and glared at Harry.

"Go get me a shirt! NOW!"

"I'm not going to get you a shirt! Go get yourself one!" He scoffed and I slapped him. Not too hard though, but you could hear it. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Shirt! Now!"

"God women! I will go get you a shirt! It's not my fault your shirtless!" He mumbled. "What are you? On your period?" I grabbed him by the ear.

"Your the jackass who didn't tell me the boys were with you so get me a shirt before I beat you."

"No wonder you don't have a boyfriend!" He joked.

"What did you just say?"

"Ohhhh your in the hell hole now!" Niall said and I stopped for a split second to look at him. His perfect blonde hair and blue eyes. I looked back at Harry.

"I. Said. There. Is. No. Wonder. You. Don't. Have. A. Boyfriend." Harry emphasized.

"Run!" I gave him a warning before I chased after him.

We both ran past the boys and ran through the house.

We both laughed the whole way. Then Harry ran back into the bathroom and locked himself in there.

"Hey! No stealing my ideas!" I yelled.

"Having trouble?" I heard an Irish accent behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Niall.

"Ha um yeah!" I breathed. I put my hands on my hips and realized that I still had no shirt on. I looked down and I felt my whole face burn with redness. "Ummm I'm gonna go get a shirt on." I said while pointing my thumb towards my room. I turned on my heel and started towards my room.

"W-would you like to hang out sometime?" I heard a voice. I turned around and it was the blonde haired Irish boy. "I-I'm sorry I guess that was kind of inappropriate I just find you really hot....I mean attractive... yeah attractive!"

He was so nervous and it was adorable.

"You know what never mind that was an inappropriate and stupid question I will just shut-"

"Woah, woah!" I giggled. " Actually, I would like that very much."

{sooooo Sorry for such the long wait! My stupid uncle changed the password on my iPod and then he didn't remember what it was so I had to go threw the whole process on the computer and it took 2 whole days!!! Then, I had to download all my songs and apps back and that took like 4 hours. Then when I downloaded this app and went to get into it, I forgot the password. It took my 2 hours to figure it out!! So this whole iPod thing was a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday process. And I still had to write the end of the chapter!!! So I had a busy Veterans Day weekend!! How was yours? Great? Great!! Should update in about a week!!


Love you guys!! Over 590 reads!!

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