Safe Haven

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As soon as Trey reached Golden Thug, he felt relieved, the street was as calm as it had always been, nobody had time to visit neighbors, they all had their businesses to attend to, he was sure nobody would know somebody new was in town. The motorcycle came to a screeching halt in front of a duplex.
"Come down". He said quietly.
        She did still clutching the bags to her chest, colour had left her face, she was already pale. Trey packed the cycle and headed over to the front . He opened the door signaling her to come in, he held the door open for her as she walked in. The inside of the house was perfect but dark even though it was day, but one could still manage to see. It had a perfect set of violet couch, the walls were probably painted with violet or navy blue, it was too dark to be sure. Shirley was still observing the whole living room before Trey interrupted startling her.
"You can drop the bags I'll take them inside". He observed  that she wasn't herself anymore, the Shirley he knew wasn't one who'd obey easily without asking questions.
        Shirley dropped the bags and sank into a couch like she had no bones. Trey came closer and squatted in front of her placing one hand on her lap.
"What's wrong?".
"Everything, you pointed a gun to my head threatening to kill me, what's happening? Why are those people after me? What do I mean to them? And you, you said I meant nothing to you, I know I don't but why then did you take the risk of saving me? I j-I-I just don't understand". She said in between tears.
"No, don't cry, don't take it that way, you'll understand everything with time". He looked into her eyes, he could read her eyes, it was mixed with trust and fear and he wanted so badly to get rid of the fear in it but why should he care, she's just a package he needs to deliver but there was something about this package.
"Are you afraid of me now". He asked with concernH.
"No I'm not" she managed to say, adjusting herself on the couch to pose like she was strong enough.
"Then what is that in your eyes?"
        She bent down facing away from him, he raised her face up.
"Look into my eyes and tell me you're not afraid of me".
"I am not afraid of anything as long as I'm with you. I mean if you could do that for me, I think I should trust you" she still didn't meet his eyes, she felt safe with him, she wasn't supposed to but something about him told her that he was trustworthy, although he had a gun and he used it on people, he was still a good person, she didn't believe she could trust him more than she trusted herself. She was insane. "I trust you but it's funny, I don't even know at least your name".
"Yes, trust me but don't trust me that much". He touched her face then her forehead ,"you're feeling feverish, I'll get you some pills". He stood to leave, half way to the stairs he turned. "Call me Trey. Trevor Smart".

        Evening came so soon, Shirley disappeared into the room Trey told her would be hers throughout their stay in the duplex, he had promised to buy her more stuffs the next day so she could only sleep in his shirt tonight. The scent of his cologne made her feel like holding on to the shirt for a lifetime, she felt the warmth of his masculinity, how he had protected her and all the risks he took. She dropped on her bed, her imaginations running wild. "No no there's no way that's ever gonna happen". She said to herself as she fantasized him pinning her to the wall with her leg wrapped round his waist and... "no" he had warned her earlier not to trust him that much.
        An hour later she still couldn't sleep, she wondered what Trey could be doing, was he asleep or was he still awake? She decided to check, he had told her his room was opposite hers. She stepped out of her room heading to Trey's, she quietly creaked it open.
"Any problem?" He asked her from behind before she could enter the room.
"Uhm I-I actually wanted to get some milk because I couldn't sleep". She said startled.
"In my room?" He smirked coming closer while Shirley took an even step back, "Or you want me to give you my milk?"
"No no it's nothing like that, I just came to ask you where the kitchen is because I didn't get a tour round the house". She praised herself inside for being able to come up with something like that.
"Then you shouldn't have been on your tiptoes Miss Swift". He stepped closer. "Or is that how you walk every night?"
        The more forward he came, the more backwards she went until she realised she was already far deep into his room. He could see how innocent she was and that made it more fun tormenting her.
"Do you realise you're already deep inside my room? Any other step backwards you'd be on my bed?"
        She turned her head to see if he was right about her being near his bed and he took the chance to cover the distance with long swift steps. Shirley turned to see him near her, she couldn't help but fall on his bed, he bent down. "Just where I want you to be".
        He used his hands to trap her. She could feel the intense heat and the closeness, his bedroom voice was perfect, it turned her on in every which way, her eyes dropped on his bare chest, it was hard to see but she could tell he had scars which she was so sure was as a result of the kind of job he did. Her eyes trailed down to his tummy, she could see it was stiff and he had packs.
"Don't look any further". He said to her because he didn't want her to see he already had a bulge -not that he was shy- but it was too late, her eyes had already dropped down.
"You're.... "
"I'm human" he cut her off, "you don't expect me to be stiff like a tree when someone like you is right in front of me, your cherry lips, your eyes, your legs, your thighs" he trailed his two fingers down her thighs which sent shivers down her spine, he smiled noticing the impact it had on her, "your innocence, why wouldn't all that turn me on? It'd be a shame if they didn't turn me on.
        Shirley couldn't say anything but swallow hard. Trey lowered his head and brushed his lips on hers. He had the desire to do so many things to and with her but he knew she was off his limits. "Protect my Eden don't destroy it". He remembered the warnings clearly.
"I'll show you the kitchen". He said standing erect, he ruffled his head to bring himself out of the mood.
"Don't worry, I don't think I need it anymore". Shirley managed to say, "I'll leave now". She stood up and headed to the door.
"My shirt flatters your body". He made her know before she could slap the door shut.
"And your cologne gives me warmth". She said to her self.

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