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      The whole house was totally busy the next morning, no one gave attention to anybody but there work. The sitting room was finely decorated in such a way that it became dark, only dim lights illuminated it making the atmosphere cool. Family members had already started dropping in one by one.
        Shirley had a large extended family, her grandfather had married two wives and had adopted several kids from the orphanage. He believed his wealth would be a waste or rather a sin if he spent it only on family members. He was well known for his generosity, he always engaged in various donations. Although he spent on others, he also lived a very lavishing lifestyle till death. He had willed some of his properties to the orphanage and still had much which he willed to his children and wife.
        Shirley dressed in all white for the party, a white body fitted V-neck gown which graced her thighs, a white high-heeled sandals, a white purse and diamond jewelries to go with it. She packed her hair up leaving some tiny stands hanging down. While Vee dressed in a high-waisted black skirt that was above her knee, a yellow turtleneck top she tucked in, a flat yellow sandals and a tiny black shoulder bag. She left her long hair down complimenting it with gold jewelries. They'd both applied light makeups.

        The music died down as soon as Devon took over the microphone to speak.
"Hello! Hello!" He continued as soon as he got their attention. "Thanks for coming today again after the hectic thanksgiving party two weeks ago". He had thrown a thanksgiving party a week after he came back from captivity, which was attended strictly by family. "We've been partying and now I have to introduce the guest of honor to y'all".
        Everyone was anxious about meeting the guest of honor, they were told earlier he was someone they haven't met.
"Here he is Trevor Smart, I owe him my life", he announced, "please come forward".
        Shirley stood aghast at the sight of him walking majestically towards her dad with a smile. She was sure he had stopped breathing when she left him.
"Vee, it's him. But I saw him take his last breath". Her eyes followed him to where he stood beside her dad.
"You're lucky then".
"Yea, your baby father isn't dead after all".
"Shh! Lower your voice. Moreover he doesn't know and I want to leave it that way".
"Are you crazy? I'll tell him. He has the right to know".
"OK wait! I'll tell him myself, don't ever tell him that. I can do it".
"Fine y...".
"Say something to them".  Devon said to Trey interrupting Shirley and Vee.
"Well", he began, his eyes wandering around, he was looking for something or someone. Shirley. "Thank y'all for the love but I can't take the whole credit alone, Steve please come". Someone slipped out of the crowd and headed to him. "I didn't do it alone, he helped me, he was up when I was down. He was amongst the guards but I sincerely don't know what changed his mind and he turned against them". His eyes was still wandering until he found the lady in white, their eyes met and held. Shirley was the first to look away but he was still staring. "He was the one that took care of me after fighting a death battle with Monty which ended when Monty lost and joined the spirit world".
        The crowd made a disturbing noise at the mention of "the spirit world". He continued when they calmed down. "I'd have been next in line but the thought of one person made me strong". He continued staring at Shirley, she couldn't take it anymore, she left the room and headed to the corridor. Trey immediately handed the mic to Steve, he took long swift steps to Shirley in the corridor. Reaching for her arms he turned her to face him.
"Why are you leaving in such a haste?"
"I just wanna get some fresh air".
"Ok, then we'll do that together".
"I wanna be alone please".
"No way" he shook his head.
        Silence took over, all they could do was stare into each other's eye. Trey knew if he continued looking into her eyes he wouldn't be able to get hold of his next action. He cleared his throat breaking the silence.
"You look beautiful".
        Compliments can always take you anywhere and it did. It brightened Shirley's mood especially because it was coming from him.
"Thank you".
        Silence continued taking over the moment, eating it up.
"You-" they said in unison.
"I-" they said again in unison.
"OK, you go first". They said together again and started laughing. Just like in the movies.
"I'll go first". Shirley indicated, Her brightened mood changed immediately.
"I'm sorry for..."
"Shh..." Trey placed his index finger on her lips, "don't say anything if all you want to say are words of apologies. Everything that happened was written in my faith s..."
        Shirley's aunt walked into the corridor with her crying baby.
"What's wrong with her?" She moved away from Trey.
"I don't know, you know babies, maybe it's the noise inside". Her aunt walked about the corridor trying to calm down Tricia.
"Don't worry go in, I'll stay with her here".
"Thanks Shirley". She handed the baby to her her and headed inside.
"She's cute". Trey acknowledged.
"Yeah, just like her mom. Do you like babies?" Shirley felt this was an opportunity to let him know.
"Uhm..." he hesitated. "Well, yea but I'm not ready to have one yet".
        Shirley felt like she'd been killed a thousand times in one lifetime. Managing to hold back the tears that wanted to pour, she walked out.
        Trey couldn't understand what just happened, he couldn't recall saying or doing anything that'd make her to leave all of a sudden.
"Shirley!" he was about to go after her when Vee held his hand, stopping him.
"Let her be you've said everything wrong".
"Who are you and what do you mean?" He could remember seeing her beside Shirley.
"I'm a friend of Shirley's. I wanna tell you something, I know I shouldn't be the one to say this but it seems like she never will".
"What exactly are you talking about? Go straight to the point, I can't wait any longer". He said anxiously.
"Shirley is... she's pregnant with your child and-"
"What! And she didn't care to tell me?"
"She was going to but your answer turned her off, besides she thinks you'd run. I hope you don't".
        Vee left him dumbfounded, he could only stare at Vee as she walked back inside. He had never been this helpless. What had he done? He'd broken her heart when he said that. Even if he doesn't wanna be a father yet, the thought of Shirley carrying his own child made him wanna fast-forward the world to the next 9 months. He was going to take the responsibilities, not just because of the baby but because this woman had taught his heart to love. Deep inside him, he knew Shirley had carved her name in his heart without trying and coated it with diamonds the moment she said 'I love you' to him.
        He took his phone and made a phone call before heading back inside.

        Half an hour later, Shirley sat with Vee in the crowd, some were dancing, some sitting, some drinking and the rest were eating. The loudness of the music swallowed their voice, which had them shouting at each others ear to pass a message.
        Four men carrying one placard each walked straight to Shirley where she sat with Vee sipping on some wine. Each men had a word on each placard -SHIRLEY PLEASE SAY YES-.
        She was dazzled, she looked around and saw that she was the center of attraction. Her family was the type that could make you go crazy with just their glares.
"Yes to what?"
        The music changed to -I Need You- by Marc Anthony. Half way to the end of the song, Trey appeared from nowhere, he knelt before Shirley and brought out a box revealing a glittering diamond that just made her outfit complete.
"Will you marry me?"
        Shirley was shocked, she looked at Vee who gave her a don't-look-at-me-that-way-and-say-yes kinda look.
        Shirley disappointed everyone when she ran upstairs to her room. Trey followed her immediately catching up when she was about to open her door.
"What's this?" She asked when she saw him.
"I proposed to you and you're supposed to say yes to it".
"Yes? Why?"
"You're carrying my baby in you". Shirley knew Vee must have told him because no one else knew except them both unless someone has been eavesdropping.
"She told you right?"
"Yea and thank God for that, for a moment I thought you'd deny it".
"I really shouldn't be talking to you now". She turned to go in but he stopped her.
"Why not? You wanna deny me the right to be a father?"
"I guess that's why you proposed". Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Look, I don't wanna get married out of pity. I can cope on my own, I don't need your help".
"I'm not proposing out of pi-"
"Then out of what?" she cut in. "Each time we made love, oh no fu-". She paused. "I can't even use that filthy word". She dried her tears. "You just disappear all of a sudden with no notice and the most painful part of it is that-", she clenched her teeth to help her hold back her tears, "when next we appear in front of each other you act like nothing happened. Do you know how that makes me feel? Like some kinda thing you use to satisfy your desires". She gave a false smile through her tears, "well, I know I shouldn't have expected more 'cause you made it clear earlier, so-".
"Don't say any more, I'm sorry", he cupped her face, his expression became immensely tender. 'I'd always seen you as someone I shouldn't come close to but you didn't make it easier when you said..."
"Make love to me", she completed moving her face out of his hands. "I was hurt by your reply, you degraded me, I should've withdrawn but I didn't. Well, it's all in the past now".
"I thank God for that past, the past shapes your future Shirley and I just want you to know that I love you. I want to marry you because I love you, not just because you're carrying my child. It's not that I'm not overwhelmed by that fact but Shirley I want you to be the mother of all my kids".
        Shirley could only stare at him. He didn't just say kid but kids. Plural.
"You do? Why didn't you say it earlier?" Her expression brightened.
"Because I tried convincing myself that it was just a mere infatuation but I couldn't suppress it anymore. I love you,    I really do love you Shirley".
        Trey would never have believed he'd be able to fall in love again not to talk of confessing it like a teenager. All he wanted was her to say she'd marry him.
"I l-"
"You don't need to say it. I heard you the other day". He smiled.
"You did?" She smiled back gently smacking his chest.
"Yea I did, you'll pay for this smack but maybe not now". He whispered into her ear. His lips sensually tracing the fine curves of her delicate ear to her lips and gave her a kiss that had her falling in love with him all over again.
"I love you Trey".
        She took his hands and headed for the stairs. Halfway down they captured everyone's attention, everyone had smiles on their faces as they could read Trey and Shirley's facial expressions.
        Shirley turned to Trey as everyone watched.
"Yes I will, I'll marry you Trey". There was a deafening applause which had Shirley blushing. Trey knelt, took her hands and put the ring on her, he kissed it.
"I thought you'd say no to the handsome hero!" Spencer Shirley's cousin called out which had them laughing.
        Vee came closer.
"Does this Shirley mean I'll be a bridesmaid sooner than later?" she grinned. "I'm so happy for you".
"I owe it all to you". Shirley hugged her.
"Yea you do". Vee wasn't the type to let a compliment pass by. She turned to Trey. "Don't ever make her sad or else you'll have to deal with me". She gave him a light smack on the chest.
"Seems like today is world smacking day". Trey held his chest and they all laughed. The fun had already been doubled.
        Shirley's parents were happy as long as she was, and besides what other way could they pay Trey back. Today made them realise that their little girl was all grown up but she'd always be their little girl. Trey was one lucky man and Shirley a lucky woman to have someone as strong and brave as Trey.
"So Mrs. Smart, how about we go get that fresh air?"
"Sure". She smiled.
        He grabbed her hand and led her away.

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