Tears of Love Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

All my morning classes went by fast and I wished they hadn't. I sigh as I made my way to the lunchroom that was crawling with the 'it' crowd, wannabes, nerds, goths, and the misfits which consisted just me.

I grab my lunch and found an empty table in the back corner of the lunch room. I sat down but didn't eat because I couldn't stop replaying what happened to me this morning.

I know I shouldn't let it bother me but for some reason it really bothered me today. I sigh and sat back looking around me. Everyone seamed to have fun talking with each other and hanging with their friends.

I quickly looked down because I knew that every now and then, they'd look over at me and see me with my head hanging down.

I sat there a little while longer until I felt something wet on my cheek. I raised my fingers to my cheek and whipped it with my fingers. I realized that I started crying in the middle of lunch.

I stood up and dumped my untouched food and walked quickly out of the lunch room. I went outside or a little bit and sat under a shaded tree and let the tears flow from my eyes.

I sat there for a long time and before I knew it, the bell rang signaling for the students to go to their next class.

I sighed and made my way back to the building. As I walked into the school I saw my parents in the office, and their faces were red. I figured it was from yelling.

I let in a shaky breath as my parents turned to glare at me while I'm standing there with a scared expression on my face. They walk out to stand in front of me and my mother spoke up "Get your shit and meet us in front of the school. Got it girl?"

I nod and make my way to my locker without wasting time. I grab the stuff I need and make it outside to find my parents standing in front of the school with pissed off expressions on their faces.

I take a deep shaky breath and stand in front of them waiting to see what they'd say or do. Minutes later I felt a sting against my face and I fall to the ground.

I look up to see my dad smirking as he said "Serves you right you little bitch."

I hold back the flinching and tears because I'm tired of being treated like a baby.

My mom pulls me up by my hair and says " We're going to have some guests tonight, so I suggest you stay in your room until they're gone understand?"

I nod without speaking because I'm afraid my voice will betray. My parents push me hard making me fall on the ground and they kicked my hard until I got up.

I held back the tears as long as I could but by the time I got inside the house and to the stairs they started to flow down my face.

I cried while I walked to my room replaying how much today sucked. I got to my room and shut my door, then I collapsed on my bed an cried for a long time. I flinch once in a while when I cried to hard because being slapped around didn't help much.

I decided to get a nice shower to ease the pain. So I got clean clothes and walked into my bathroom and turned the water on then adjusted the temperature. Once it was to where I wanted it I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower and let the water run down my skin relaxing my muscles and easing the pain.

I stayed in there until I heard yelling downstairs. I quickly got out after shutting the water off and I got dressed and ran into my room and sat on my bed waiting for my parents to come and beat me up for something I didn't do.

I waited for an hour until I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I took a deep breath and waited for a minute. The footsteps finally stopped and my parents came into the room and glared at me with a hateful expression.

My lips began to tremble as they continued to glare at me, but no one said nothing for a long time. My mom broke the silence by saying "You were a good girl tonight. So I won't hit you, but your father will. So you better not do anything stupid you got it girl? Because if you do, you will regret it."

I looked her in the eyes and for the first time I wasn't scared of her. So I simply said in a calm voice "Of course mother, I got it."

She turned and walked out of my room leaving my father and I alone. It was silent for a long time until I finally spoke.

"So what are you waiting for? You gonna hit me or what?"

He glared hard at me and said "Well if you want to be hit so bad then I might as well make you happy then hu?"

With that he walked over to me and began slapping me across the face and he'd punch me in the stomach every now and then.

I'd keep all my emotions bottled up because I wouldn't show him any weakness whats so ever.

It was after midnight when he finally left me alone. My face was bruised really bad as was my stomach. I was also hurting a lot from the pain that my father caused me.

I got up and went downstairs and got some ibuprofen because that somehow helps me. I got a glass of ice cold fresh water and went back to my room.

I took the medicine and took the pills and about jumped for joy when I felt the ice cold water slid down my throat.

Once I drank over half the water I sat the cup on my night stand and fell asleep dreading tomorrow.


I woke up the next morning to find both my parents smirking down at me. I was about to say something when my mom slapped me as hard as she could against my face.

I yelped because I was still hurting from last night because of my father.

My mom slapped me a couple more times then she walked out of the room with a satisfied look on her face. My father then began slapping me like he had last night and I kept on wishing I could die right then and there.

After a couple hours, he finally gave up and went to find my mom to do god knows what.

I got out of bed then changed clothes and went for a walk. My lips continued to tremble as I walked around and I began shaking really bad. I couldn't stop, no matter how much I wanted to it just got worse and worse until I found a park.

There were swings there and I decided to head over there and set on the swings for a little bit. A couple hours later I decided to head home to see if my parents were there.

I called and called but no one answered so I decided to go upstairs to my room. I felt tired all of a sudden so I went to sleep for a few hours.

Little did I know what would happen to me once my parents go home.

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