Tears of Love Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up to feeling something big and soft under me. I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying on Alex's chest and I felt his arm around my waist.

I gave a small smile and got up quietly not to wake Alex up and I went into the kitchen to fix something for breakfast.

An hour later Alex came in and yawned loudly before saying "Mornin Z how did you sleep?"

I laughed and said "I slept fine, what about you Al?"

He chuckled and said "I slept well thank you."

I smiled and brought his plate over to him and said "I thought this would wake you up some more."

His eyes went wide and his mouth popped open as he stared at me in shock.

I busted out laughing as I said "You might wanna... shut your mouth... before flies... get in it. And don't look so shocked. I always cooked for my family."

He snapped out of his trance and said "Z you didn't have to do this ya know. I don't mind cooking breakfast for myself."

I smiled and said "I cooked this for you to show you my thanks because you're letting me stay here until I get a job and everything else I need."

He chuckled and said "How about you show me how thankful you are by letting me take you out on a date tonight? What do ya say?"

I giggled and said "Oh all right if you insist. Do you mind if I take a shower and get ready?"

He smiled and said "First lets go and get you a beautiful dress for tonight's occasion, and then you can."

He took my hand and we went out to his car and headed into town to get a dress for me to wear tonight.


Once we got to the dress store, they had me try on all kinds of dresses. From very short black ones, to very long red ones.

Alex didn't seem to like any of them because they all looked just plain wrong to begin with. I finally found a beautiful baby blue dress that was sleeveless but it was absolutely worth trying on.

It went past my knees and it pooled out starting at my hips. It had a sequenced top and a blue bow on the side but it was absolutely beautiful.


http://www.nexteve.com/images/D/F6221a-01.JPG check this dress out, it's absolutely very pretty.


Once I had the dress on, I walked out to show Alex and when he seen me, I thought he was going to pass out right then and there.

I giggled a little bit because the look on his face was priceless. Once he heard me giggling he stood up and got in front of me and said "This is the dress you should get. It's absolutely perfect on you."

I smiled and said "I like it, I want this dress."

I went back to change into my clothes and I took the dress up to the cashier and she said "Is this all for you today miss?"

I nodded and said "Yea that's all."

She nodded and ranged the dress up and said "Alright your total comes to $845.50 please."

Sadness shot through me as I said "Well I only have $700.00."

She shrugged and said "Well looks like you're in deep shit then hu?"

She started to take the dress away but Alex stopped her by saying "I have $400.00 dollars. If she gives you $700.00 and I give you $200.00 will that be enough?"

She narrowed her eyes and said "Yea, but why would you want to help a slut like her?"

I flinched back at her words and said "You don't know who I am bitch. You have no right to judge someone you don't even know."

She was about to smart off but thank god Alex cut in before her and said "I'd like to buy the dress please."

I gave her the $700.00 and Alex gave her the $200.00 and she put the dress in a bag and basically threw it at me.

I turned without saying thank you and headed out to Alex's car. It wasn't until I got out there that I realized I was crying.

I put the bag in the back seat and sat up front waiting for Alex. Minutes later he came out and got in the car without saying anything to me.

We drove in silence until we got o his house and without a word, I got out and grabbed my dress before heading into his house and to the guest bedroom.

Alex hasn't said a word to me since we got home and I felt hurt but I didn't show it as I went downstairs to find a small snack.

Once I got downstairs, I noticed that Alex was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I bit my bottom lip before slowly walking over to him.

After I stood a couple inches from him, I called out his name "Hey Alex you ok?"

He looked up at me and I saw anger in his eyes. I swallowed as he continued to stare at me with anger burning in his gaze.

I backed up as step and said "Alex why are you looking at me like that?"

He stood up then and began mimicking my steps by stepping forward while I stepped back. We continued this until I felt a wall at my back and then I knew, I had no where to go.

Alex kept going until he was right in front of me. I kept my gaze locked with his as he stood in front of me.

He didn't say or do anything for a long time. We just continued to stare at each other not moving or anything.

Finally after minutes of not saying or doing anything, Alex lifted his hand and placed it at my cheek while the other went around my waist pulling us close together.

He stroked my cheek with his thumb for a moment and then he bent down and kiss me very lightly on the lips.

I felt him hesitate at first, but I started to lead the way and I wrapped my arms around his neck and began kissing him back.

He pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. I eagerly kissed him back enjoying the way our tongs danced together.

I pulled back but his lips never left my skin. He traced my jawline all the way down to my neck and began running kisses all around my neck.

I pulled his face back to mine and kissed him once more before letting go of him.

We were both breathing heavily for a long time. He rested his forehead against mine as we both tried to control out breathing.

After a few minutes he pulled me into a hug and said "I'm sorry... I just always wanted to do that since the first day I laid eyes on you."

I held him close and said "To tell you the truth, I'm not sorry about any of this. I'm glad you kissed me."

He chuckled and said "Ok, I'm glad then."

I pulled him over to the couch and sat next to him cuddling next to his strong figure and slowly fell into a peaceful sleep.

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