Tears of Love Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I was only able to sleep for a couple hours and then I heard screaming.

I got out of bed and ran out my door to see where the screaming came from.

Someone screamed again and I headed towards a door that was at the end of the hall. Once I got closer I froze because all of a sudden I heard moaning coming from the other side of the door.

It was cracked so when I peaked through I saw that Jason was on top of a girl having some fun with her.

Betrayal shot through my body as I watched Jason having sex with someone else.

I felt hurt, betrayed, and angry that Jason made me believe that he actually cared about me when in the end he never really did.

I quietly went back to my room and grabbed my bags before heading out the door.

The girl was still moaning so I took my chances and headed downstairs only to run into another boy about my age.

He eyed me for a moment and then walked off without saying anything. Confusion went through me as I headed out the door, leaving my past behind me.


It's been at least two hours since I left Jason's place and I knew that I couldn't stay away from him anymore.

I walked the familiar way past town and to that cabin I use to call home. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door and Chris answered the door with shock all over his face.

That shock turned into relief as he said "Oh god Zoe you're ok. I thought something bad happened or your parents got a hold of you."

I smiled and said "No I was staying at a place for a couple days and I realized that I could never leave this place."

A big goofy grin spread across his face as he said "Well thank god you're ok. I was really worried."

I rolled my eyes and said "Thank you Chase but I can take care of myself."

He rolled his eyes and said "Well come in and make yourself comfortable."

I smiled and said "Thanks."

I walked past him and into the familiar living room. A slow smile spread across my face as I took in every detail of my old past, glad to be back in the warmth of it.

I went and sat on the couch and looked at Chase and asked "Is he here?"

Chase sighed and said "No he's in town taking care of stuff. He should be back anytime."

Just then we heard a car door slam and footsteps walking towards the door. I looked up at Chase and said "I'm going to go hide so I can surprise him ok?"

He nodded and said "I'll hide your bags."

I nodded and darted up the stairs and into his closet and quietly waited.

I could hear voices coming up the steps.

"So how'd it go?"

"Not as good as I thought. Someone had to ruin it and they told me to come back tomorrow."

"Well damn, you'd think that they would like your resume on how good you are at calming people down."

"Yea well people here suck."

I heard Chase chuckle as he said "Yea they do. Hey hows your love life going anyway? Are you able to move on yet?"

I heard complete silence as I tried to figure out what Alex would say.

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